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Channel: Death
Part 1: Game Jam - concept inception and core framework functionality (10/3/2023 -10/12/2023)
Editor's Note:
Channel: Death started as a game jam game for Chicaghoul 2023. The jam began on October 3. For this jam, participants were only asked to create a horror, horror themed, or Halloween related game. Entries "officially selected" by an anonymous peer review process would be showcased at an in-person reception.

I met Ian, a programmer working on indie game dev, through previous local game jam showcase but had never worked with him. I went to college with Mike and we have been long time collaborators.

Ian had floated the premise of doing a game where the controller was a TV remote during a Chicago game industry meetup and I was immediately interested. We still needed to figure out how that concept worked as an actual game idea. The game jam deadline was 11:59PM October 17.
David added Mike to the group. 10/3/2023 5:33 PM
Hey Ian, this is my friend Mike, who I was hoping could help out with some of the visual elements for the game jam.
5:34 PM
We went to grad school together way back in the olden days
Heyo! Glad to have ya on board Mike, happy to have someone dedicated to the visuals!
πŸ‘ 1
so should we start a repository for this?
5:35 PM
Is there a Unity version you prefer?
Whatevers clever, I'm in β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ for Darkest Dreams and β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ for my other contract work, so either of those are fine, I'll be able to use anything.
5:39 PM
Repo is good. I actually don't know now how to spin one up, I share perforce with a couple other studios so never had to start one myself.
are you OK w/ git?
Yeah, I'm not super familiar with it but I'm sure I could pick it up fine.
Cool I'll make one. I recommend github deskdop for a gui client
5:40 PM
but it doesn't really matter
5:41 PM
Is perforce the one that Unity bought?
I'm not sure, its just what i've always used lol
5:44 PM
Should we schedule a time to do a chat about the project? I'm booked solid tonight but tomorrow morning or late evening, or thursday afternoon/evening would be fine with me.
I'm available tomorrow evening until like 10PM or so
I should be free after 5 PM tomorrow
I'm also cool with just asynchronously bouncing ideas around here in chat in the meantime too
πŸ’― 1
Lets do 7pm tomorrow?
πŸ‘ 2
I guess my instinct is to just use the latest LTS unity unless you all have a preference
πŸ‘ 1
Fine by me
@Ian do you have a github account?
5:52 PM
I will add you to the repo.
5:53 PM
oh, here's another question... Do you have a render pipeline preference?
5:53 PM
I do not but I guess my default is URP. Happy to use w/e
@Ian do you have a github account?
I think β–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆβ–ˆ
I do not but I guess my default is URP. Happy to use w/e
We use the built in for all our projects, but I'm not opposed to learning new stuff. My partner handles a lot of the graphics so I'm not super knowledgable in the area.
lol me either
6:00 PM
but it kind of seems easier to find shader graph tutorials for specific effects than to write shader code I guess so that is one of my lines of rationale
6:01 PM
if there are existing assets you want to use that might influence the decision too
Nah, when I'm jamming I just go with the flow, make or find the stuff I need. Lets do URP, we will make it work.
🀘 1
6:14 PM
I added a 2022.3.10 3D URP project
6:14 PM
I think github emails you something you have to click to accept the invitation.
6:15 PM
So, to just kick around some design ideas, it sounds like we have a premise of the user using a tv remote to interact with a TV.
6:15 PM
There will be some kind of central puzzle
6:16 PM
and the player can solve it by navigating different channels, which each could have it's own rules, art aesthetic, and sub puzzles etc.
6:16 PM
I think a core question is what is the remote we want to use?
6:16 PM
like, would it have arrows?
6:17 PM
or are we going with just numbers, channel up/down, volume up / down
6:17 PM
I do have a tube TV we can use for the show
6:17 PM
but it seems like we would explicitly NOT want to use it's remote
6:17 PM
since we don't want the remote to actually do anything, just fake do things in Unity
6:17 PM
Well I'm pretty any IR remote should be able to control a tv, so we are gonna have to cover the TV's receiver with like a piece of tape or something. But once that is done, we could use your remote.
Let me go see what it looks like.
My biggest concern remote wise is having extraneous buttons, don't want to confuse folks.
πŸ‘ 1
We could have like a big 🚫 appear on the screen if you press something that is unused
6:21 PM
or whatever other cooler looking idea people have
yeah, a consistent negative feedback is a good idea, could make it spooky if we want.
6:29 PM
seems like it's a 20 or 22" TV
6:29 PM
it did turn on lol
6:29 PM
6:30 PM
I think I also own the right series of cables / adaptors to output a computer to it.
6:30 PM
I will investigate that next.
6:31 PM
I like how there is a "jump" button
6:31 PM
we should use that lol
lol just jump button triggers a jump scare, that would be great. For the adapters we most likely need hdmi to vga, but we also might need a sound output? Not sure. That TV looks great. Remote wise I think a design question would be whether you can type in channel numbers to jump to them, or would numbers be locked to interact with the current channel and you can only use ch+ or ch- to navigate
Yeah, for sound output, at the live event, I think we might need like wireless headphones straight from the PC.
🧠 1
7:09 PM
I should have something like that laying around I think
7:11 PM
Turns out I did not have the HDMI > RCA / s-video, only vice versa. So I just ordered the needed thing.
7:13 PM
"Remote wise I think a design question would be whether you can type in channel numbers to jump to them, or would numbers be locked to interact with the current channel and you can only use ch+ or ch- to navigate"
7:14 PM
Yeah I am not sure about that either.
7:15 PM
I don't know what this was for originally
7:15 PM
But it seems like something we can use that has no other built in meaning
7:17 PM
I guess pro's of letting numbers do channels is: that's what they do normally, so it's kind of intuitive / expected
7:17 PM
it also allows for some weird hidden things
7:17 PM
like channels that don't come up in the normal ch up / ch down list
7:17 PM
but that could be too hard to find. Maybe if we did the physical TV guide concept IDK.
Yeah that would def be cool. There could be some sort of delay and we only accept channel numbers of 2 numbers or something. So if they type 3rd number within 1-2 second we dont change channel, otherwise we do
I like the idea of getting kind of meta / 4th wall breaking with it. Like maybe there is one channel where there is just some creepy message but you can barely hear it and you have to use the volume buttons
πŸ’― 1
Or like you need to hit mute on a channel and then a secret message plays
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maybe same deal w/ mute but idk how that would work
πŸ‘ 1
Add depth to your project with Retro Look Pro asset from limitless unity development. Find this & more VFX options on the Unity Asset Store.
πŸ‘€ 1
one thing we should see is what things actually look like on the TV
7:20 PM
because it might already have some artifacts
dang $50 we should see if there is something that shows you how to make that for free 😜
dang $50 we should see if there is something that shows you how to make that for free 😜
or a find a code that knocks down the price
Editor's Note:
This idea turned into one of the cornerstones of the design vision πŸ‘‡.
One idea I have been wondering about, curious what you guys think, is some kind of way that everyone who tries the game at the event is somehow working together to solve the puzzle
7:40 PM
I'm not sure how that works exactly. Maybe it's not any different than just making the puzzle more time consuming to solve. But maybe also there needs to be more natural entrance and exit points. Like natural moments to quit and let the next person try
I have seen in person puzzle video games that encourage people to leave physical sticky notes on the game to provide clues for other people coming along. If the main solution required a specific input which is learned from other channels but the game doesn't track "progress" (just displays a portion of the final input until the channel is changed) or something it might work?
that's a cool idea
7:51 PM
then I think another question is what happens if people solve the game / win
yeah I got nothing for that right now ;P
new game plus lol
🧠 1
8:00 PM
Do you think it's too weird if we set up a camera and have it's view in the game at some point? lol
8:01 PM
There could be like a camera in the ceiling corner or something lol
Editor's Note:
I was researching TV / VHS distortion artifact effects and somehow came across a sample project that turned on my webcam. This seemed like it could be an easy device that was creepy, engaging for live event audiences, and fit the TV / video themes we were working with. This would eventually turn into one of our channel minigames.
lol not too weird at all imo, I'm all for getting weird with it. You have an advantage too, you can set stuff up early ;P
πŸ‘ 1
That said, I do think it should be a secondary goal to make the game work for people who download it
8:03 PM
if we can figure out how to sort of eat our cake and have it too
8:52 PM
That's using this (edited)
8:54 PM
It doesn't give you super robust control, but it is free
Rory said he used this one, which is only $10 if we need something more robust
Add depth to your project with OLD TV Filter URP READY! asset from Vortex Game Studios LTDA ME. Find this & more VFX options on the Unity Asset Store.
heyo, people ready for a call, should we do it here?
8:01 PM
or I guess we could text chat too, whatevers clever
8:03 PM
@Ian yeah let's do a call!
David started a call that lasted 58 minutes 10/4/2023 8:03 PM
Editor's Note:
During the call, we decided I would work on the main framework for channel changing and the central puzzle, and that it would include a James Bond inspired slow moving impending doom. Ian would tackle getting the IR remote signal read in Unity. Mike would focus on visual design. Then we could collectively switch focus to creating minigames for each channel, with the benefit that they could exist encapsulated from everything else from code, design, and presentation value perspectives, and we could add more of them as time went on.
Access Google Docs with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).
Get inspiring royalty-free stock footage shot by the industry's top cinematographers with unlimited downloads and a license that covers every type of video
Editor's Note:
While originally thinking about James Bond villain death traps, the game a shocking scene from A.I. Somnium Files came to mind. This would be easy to animate! This was a big puzzle piece falling into place for one of the defining elements of the game. πŸ‘‡
I think we should basically just copy this for the impending doom
9:20 PM
We can use that type of scenario and swap in models from mixamo
9:20 PM
Maybe super wrestlers has some goofy / retro video inspiration
Well, I decided to use the "new" Input System just to keep practicing it. I don't know the best patterns for it so LMK if what I have done is confusing πŸ˜…
πŸ‘ 1
11:54 PM
Here's some progress with a basic channel structure. Next I will add some kind of win / loss state tracking
11:57 PM
I am such a nerd in that all of those images are pro wrestling related since I happened to have been wearing a pro wrestling hat πŸ€“
11:58 PM
Also the current video filter effects do not impact the UI (the number in top right). So I will have to look into that or we may end up using a different implementation anyhow. (edited)
11:59 PM
I think we want it affecting everything.
11:59 PM
(I think?)
Yeah think that would be best, although it aint the end of the world if doesn't.
πŸ‘ 1
12:03 AM
Looking good though! (edited)
we should definitely cut some NotLD and have it on a channel
Great horror movies with lapsed rights.
πŸ’― 1
oh yeah I forgot about that funny situation
11:56 AM
Good thinking
Editor's Note:
Here's another key design moment that shaped the ultimate form of the game. πŸ‘‡
We need a name for the killer
12:41 PM
Like a nickname the news would use
πŸ‘ 1
12:42 PM
And then when time runs out for someone there can be a scrolling ticker "breaking: xxx killer kills again, tune in to channel x for more"
12:42 PM
And then we don't start again until someone changes back to the "home" channel x
12:42 PM
Then the whole thing can restart
12:43 PM
Maybe tickers can give updates like "2 minutes left" or whatever
12:44 PM
Maybe you're finding the address where the hostages are held, that's the password
12:44 PM
Then when you enter it swat comes and kills the murderer, which you could see on that channel (edited)
12:47 PM
Maybe the game name is like "channel: death" or something
12:48 PM
Or if we come up with a cool killer nickname it could be based on that name
12:50 PM
"game show killings"?
12:50 PM
In ai somnium files the killer takes victims eye and they call it "cyclops killer"
12:52 PM
In the sequel it's the "half body serial killings"
12:54 PM
Broadcast killer?
Broadcast killer?
I am liking this
5:19 PM
lol, what is on Channel 13
I should have some time to work today/ tonight and tomorrow morning
Step 1 working, now to get it connected to unity.
πŸ’― 1
πŸ€™ 1
Hell yeah
this is hard to photograph but it's working and looks fine:
8:57 PM
I have to set windows to 1024x768
8:57 PM
The side bars on left and right won't be there in a build
8:58 PM
The channel number in top rihght ("4") is 64 point font as a reference
9:50 PM
style test
πŸ‘ 1
@Mike send me an image based on 1024x768 and I'll put it on the TV to test legibility
10:47 PM
I was desinging at 720, so the scaling up doesn't match that ratio or else it will get streched, but I could easily make static PNGs
10:48 PM
one without the scanline overlay, just to see what looks more readable
10:49 PM
I'll design at that resolution from now on, I got my 4:3 ratio wrong
11:01 PM
11:16 PM
I think we are going to lose some pixels around the perimeter so we will need to test some to figure out a "safe zone" (edited)
πŸ‘ 1
11:17 PM
I would say you can read the "breaking news" easy from a bit of a distance. You need to be fairly close to read the smaller text.
11:18 PM
I don't think you'll want to do any distortion effects on the assets themselves
11:18 PM
I don't think...
11:18 PM
11:18 PM
this looked pretty good
11:18 PM
11:18 PM
And I guess there were some distortion effects on it
11:18 PM
πŸ‘ 1
11:19 PM
I wouldn't do more than what's on there though
Click to see attachment πŸ–ΌοΈ
lol awesome
I think we are going to lose some pixels around the perimeter so we will need to test some to figure out a "safe zone" (edited)
Photoshop should have guides for this
I ended up buying that black and white TV from consignment lounge last night lol
🀯 1
12:25 PM
But I don't know if there's really any way to use it for this project.
Editor's Note:
With the conveyor belt buzz saw death trap materializing, I knew I wanted some good gore to punctuate kills in a climactic way and call back to gory slasher films of the 80s and 90s. πŸ‘‡
12:25 PM
or any way we should prioritize
12:32 PM
I guess we could try to just use that as a video
I guess we could try to just use that as a video
lol the music, do you want me rip the video?
lol the music, do you want me rip the video?
I guess if you can also replace the green w/ transparency. Maybe that's possible in Unity. I don't know a lot about how that type of thing works.
you can just put images right in discord as long as they are under like 25mb or something like that
πŸ‘ 1
1:21 PM
1:22 PM
Here's something from a vfx package. But I'm not sure it would be better than that video and will take work to make how we want.
1:42 PM
It's not quite centered.
1:43 PM
This could be something I might be able to fix in my video card settings
1:44 PM
But eve non the right edge there, compare top right to top left
1:44 PM
There is more red showing on bottom right than top right.
1:45 PM
I guess you could extend "breaking news" to the left some safely. (edited)
@Mike Are you going to try to export the video?
2:12 PM
lol wow this is going to be funny
I guess you could extend "breaking news" to the left some safely. (edited)
okay, got to be more generous with spacing, but it looks close
@Mike Are you going to try to export the video?
I have the green screen blood in unity now
2:30 PM
what's weird, is that Unity might have removed the chroma material option in this version, I can't seem to find it
2:31 PM
might need to install a package, working through this now
cool let me know how it goes
2:32 PM
@Mike question: do you want to work through building this from the tutorial or should I?
2:32 PM
I don't mind doing it, in fact I would like to learn more about vfx graph
2:32 PM
but I can also code a feature like random victims instead so I'm cool either way (edited)
2:35 PM
🀣 1
no worries, go for it, this video you posted does provide a solution I found, but was going to work through it as a last resort
2:35 PM
2:35 PM
wait until the blood is in lol
2:36 PM
I wish I could make his leg fall off the belt at the end
2:36 PM
that is my stretch goal
2:36 PM
A simple, yet powerful chromakey / greenscreen solution for Unity. Designed to be used with virtual production. - GitHub - otdavies/UnityChromakey: A simple, yet powerful chromakey / greenscreen so...
So just so we're on the same page, I want this blood spray particle effect IN ADDITION to the camera splatter
πŸ‘ 1
but it's 2 years old...
So my question is, if you want to do the shader graph blood tutorial while I program other game features, or if you don't (edited)
2:38 PM
in which case I will just do the tutorial
2:38 PM
maybe you understood the question already sorry not sure
I'll work on the graphic tutorial, it will help me figure out the green screen stuff, I think
lol maybe πŸ™‚ but it will result in a neat blood effect that we can definitely use
2:39 PM
ok if you are going to do the vfx graph tutorial I will work on spawning additional victims
πŸ‘ 1
2:40 PM
I have it set up so we can adjust the time limit and it changes the speed of the belt animation, etc.
Editor's Note:
The idea here was that once one victim died, a new one would be put in peril. πŸ‘‡
3:42 PM
multiple victim support added
3:43 PM
it can scale and uses an object pool, will repeat after we get done with the pool. We can come up with random names though and just reuse the same models
3:45 PM
K, I have to go for now. Next thing I do I think should be the central puzzle thing. The win state.
Lol love it
πŸ˜‚ 1
lol it's pretty twisted haha
Editor's Note:
Here is another pivotal design moment. Deciding the interface for rescuing the victims, which paved the way for deciding how the minigames would ultimately work (reveal a digit to the passcode). One thing I like about these jams from a design process journal perspective is that there is so little time to deliberate that the key design vision moments are very clear and then immediately find their way into the work. πŸ‘‡
3:47 PM
I guess I'll set it up to be like four digits you have to enter
3:47 PM
and if you enter the correct digits a victim is saved
3:47 PM
somehow lol
3:48 PM
but then a new victim is still put in peril and we can come up with new randomized solution password digits
3:49 PM
We need to think about the interface for inputting the password digits
3:49 PM
I think we can use like card suit symbols
3:49 PM
to correspond with each digit position and help people understand which position a given clue they found relates to
3:50 PM
And I guess we can have the player type in the numbers with the remote
3:51 PM
So if there are four digits I guess we need four channels / minigames?
Yeah if we are doing suits we would need min 4. If we end up more we could cycle them for different victims. Suits are good because the important channels could have a suit indicator somewhere while filler channels could lack them
πŸ‘ 1
@David I wrapped up that vfx tut, a lot going on, had to restart 1/2 through because I messed up a node flow, do you want to pull down the git project and create one in there?
@David I wrapped up that vfx tut, a lot going on, had to restart 1/2 through because I messed up a node flow, do you want to pull down the git project and create one in there?
Sweet! I'm out for the day, plans with Jessica, but will try it tomorrow
Also @Mike if you get bored I'd say think about what the password entry interface could look like 😜
πŸ‘ 1
Sweet! I'm out for the day, plans with Jessica, but will try it tomorrow
I can add it to the project as a separate scene, want me to do that?
Yeah sounds good to me!
Yeah sounds good to me!
I don't think I'm added to it yet
Check your email
7:12 PM
It's possible invite expired I can't figure it out on mobile πŸ˜”
πŸ‘ 1
Blood VFXs pushed
got green screen video working
got green screen video working
Hell yeah can't wait to see, gonna be able to get some work in soon
@Mike nice job both of these look awesome
5:09 PM
I think rather than try to implement it now (which would be fun and what I would like to do) I am going to focus on the passcode thing since that's more critical to playtesting
5:11 PM
I guess I'm thinking the only interactivity on this screen will be the number buttons on the remote
8:37 PM
Got the inputs to auto select and then move to the next input upon entering something.
8:37 PM
code validation is in
8:37 PM
next is making things happen if you enter the correct or incorrect code, and generating new codes.
8:38 PM
And making it erase entered text and go back to the first digit if you change channels (I think? what is desirable here?) (edited)
@Mike also lmk if you have ideas for how this should look
πŸ‘ 1
Should we look for someone to do sound design/ music?
@Mike also lmk if you have ideas for how this should look
sweet, I'll get something mocked up this week
Should we look for someone to do sound design/ music?
not sure, I bet we can find a lot of free stuff easily
If we had more time I think it would be cool to have one channel that's just a live news cast covering the story
10:31 AM
and then they could have clips of victims who were saved being found on park benches or something. Reunited with family. Interview random people around town asking about the situation
10:31 AM
"I want to try and help but if I get the password wrong and someone dies I don't want that on my hands"
10:31 AM
other parodies of shitty 24/7 news cycle
10:38 AM
I might actually have some time I can spend during work day today
10:38 AM
It will probably bite me in the ass later but it sounds fun so F it
I'm going to try to get some stuff done later tonight once my lexcture is done, I might try to knock out the "channel switch" effect when you go to the next channel, should be an easy effect/video to make in After Effects
I'm going to try to get some stuff done later tonight once my lexcture is done, I might try to knock out the "channel switch" effect when you go to the next channel, should be an easy effect/video to make in After Effects
sweet! Big thing for me is the UI needs since it will take time for me to implement once I know what we want it to look like
πŸ‘ 1
1:08 PM
Like did you want to use that breaking news thing for stuff?
1:09 PM
How do we want to present the info from this screen?
1:09 PM
The info that tells you what to do basically (edited)
Just an update from me, finally got some free time, planning on banging out the rest of the IR stuff and setitng up the "fake" remote in unity today.
πŸ’― 2
Editor's Note:
I'm sad this Bing / Copilot AI search result (πŸ‘‡) did not save properly. I thought this was going to be a cool way to document things. Maybe it just broke when they changed it from bing to copilot? Anyway, this was me asking for a list of many names that fit in a campy horror film from the 80s / 90s. I ended up redoing this later to get a ton more names when we realized we were going to try to have the game be persistent across a long (~3 hours) event. I spent some time wondering how to handle gender and names in the game. I wanted to consider diversity and representation, but also wanted to generally have names match the physical look of the characters. Ultimately I (using GPT AI) created a large list of masculine, feminine, and unisex names and then marked each model we used as either masculine or feminine and procedurally selected at runtime a name from either the unisex list or the genedered list that matched the setting on the model. This would come into play again later when we added the rescued victim interrogation scene, and the fact that the game wasn't tracking the combinations used became somewhat problematic as the NPC model a player rescued in the "killing floor" scene didn't necessarily exactly match the model used in the interrogation scene (though the names of the victims are maintaned across scenes). Considering the time crunch I lived with this.
Here's an answer I got using the new Bing, the world's first AI-powered answer engine. Click to see the full answer and try it yourself.
🧠 1
πŸ€– 1
Okay we working. I’m pulling from the input actions, so we can just keep setting them up for the keyboard. I’ve discovered that different remotes can use different protocols so we will need to do a custom setup for the final remote (will be quick, just linking some hex codes and input actions on a scriptable object)
Okay we working. I’m pulling from the input actions, so we can just keep setting them up for the keyboard. I’ve discovered that different remotes can use different protocols so we will need to do a custom setup for the final remote (will be quick, just linking some hex codes and input actions on a scriptable object)
sweet! Yeah I guess at some point I will have to get the device
7:42 PM
then you can show me how
Yeah, I'm starting to think about how I should encase it, I think maybe a box that looks like a mini cable box or something. Theoretically if there is space we could hide a webcam in there too.
wow sounds fancy haha
7:47 PM
If that is hard to procure / fabricate, I can just hide it behind the tv and tape the receiver in front of the TV haha
7:47 PM
but if it somehow looks like a cable box that would be awesom.
7:47 PM
We should put a butter knife in it
7:48 PM
I never really understood that concept but I guess it was a thing right?
7:48 PM
Butter Knife?
haha I remember that
If that is hard to procure / fabricate, I can just hide it behind the tv and tape the receiver in front of the TV haha
Yeah, I just dont want like the raw circuit board out (and cable length is a thing too) so gonna have to figure out something at least, can't guarentee pretty though ;P
πŸ’― 1
haha I remember that
Now I want to know if this is real or I made it up
7:55 PM
Something I remember from an older neighbor in the 80s or early 90s
7:55 PM
but you know maybe my memory is fake lol
Reddit is saying something about shorting a board so you could get channels you werent paying for or something lol (edited)
I was hoping image search would work but it's definitely not lol
I figure we should just stick with keyboard commands for now, should I jump on working on one of the minigames?
sure yeah!
8:03 PM
I think the basic setup I have now is that the top level game object for a channel needs to stay active and have the "channel" script on it. and it has some events that can do whatever. So either deactivating child container object or moving things off camera
8:03 PM
But I am open to other setups just hacked that in
That seems fine to me, looking at the webcam test scene I think I got the workflow.
πŸ‘ 1
8:05 PM
I think I might take a crack at the simon says game, just start mulling over what that might be.
πŸ‘ 1
I'm not sure if I made any of the test channels actually prefabs yet but I think that only matters when we want to work on them w/out stepping on each others toes. (edited)
πŸ’― 1
@Ian I think I am missing something:
So i updated the API compability to Net Framework, but it looks like that didnt transfer? It is in the porject settings - > player settings (edited)
yeah maybe you need to hit file > save project and commit
8:20 PM
I think that is where the .net thing is yeah
8:20 PM
8:20 PM
Actually it looks like it did change
8:20 PM
let me see what mine looks like in Unity
8:21 PM
8:21 PM
Is that the right setting?
Yeah, this is with a fresh reload of unity?
I'll try closing it and reopening
8:29 PM
Yeah that fixed it
I guess you have to restart after changing that
8:30 PM
IDK why it didn't tell me to lol
Classic Unity ;P
Editor's Note:
Here we have the basic framework of the game in place (IR sensor connected to Unity, changing channels, central puzzle with stakes and time limit) and begin switching gears to minigame development.
Ok, I have random names going, and some messages to kind of help convey cause and effect and what's happening. We will want to make it look better one day hopefully. But this should work for some basic testing.
easy enough to mock up in After Effects - can we push up game scenes/channels when you go to the next one?
Probably... But I'm not sure how to make it look that cool off hand
I guess we could move the whole channel parent game objects around to make it look like that. or we could use like multiple cameras (one per channel?) and have render textures and move the render textures around. I don't know what the smartest way to do it is. (edited)
11:44 AM
I think we should leave this for something to do later if we have time since we can always just crank up the screen distortion effects and then switch channels and then reduce them back down, and that is needed either way, even in the fancy "push" animation.
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Editor's Note:
Here we can see the visual design of the "killing floor" scene taking shape. πŸ‘‡
12:33 PM
working on the UI, going for an old school emboss pc type feel
12:34 PM
going to work on adding the symbols and figuring out the text stuff, see how that makes sense on the screen
Cool, send me assets when you have them, including fonts!
12:46 PM
or commit them I guess
12:46 PM
just lmk where to look
Love it, very resident evil
lol was about to type that
I think we want to use those symbols on the channels (edited)
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12:48 PM
so that you know which digit a channel's clue relates to (edited)
12:48 PM
we could integrate the symbols in different ways though
12:48 PM
to match different channel aesthetics
12:48 PM
if we have time at least lol
12:49 PM
How do you think we should present this info that I just have in text rn?
12:51 PM
I think presenting some info in the news "ticker" is a good idea but not sure if that's what we want for this screen or not
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Click to see attachment πŸ–ΌοΈ
12:56 PM
can put whatever symbol in here
I think suits are pretty easy for players to remember (edited)
1:04 PM
I advocate keeping them
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I guess I'll put the blood in and make the channel change static ramp up next.
2:43 PM
Or I guess I could make a minigame
Editor's Note:
Ah the volume minigame. You can see its genesis here, but it would go on to have a long and arduous road ahead, ultimately getting cut before GDC, as usability was problematic and we did not have time to successfully address it despite some attempts.
I think i'll do a minigame based on the volume
2:54 PM
I can't remember clearly but I think there was a phonograph in twin peaks
2:54 PM
2:54 PM
I'll just make something that looks like that and you can barely hear something
2:55 PM
and if you press volume up it will get louder and clearer
2:55 PM
and maybe there will be a jump scare in there lol
2:55 PM
but eventually you will hear the number and maybe the suit
2:55 PM
over and over
2:57 PM
or maybe it's a radio
@Ian hey how does the simon says game work so far, design wise?
5:38 PM
I was thinking about something with the volume but I want to make sure it's not too close to what you're already doing.
5:38 PM
My idea is to have two sound sources. You have to turn the volume down when the β€œevil” sound source starts playing. If you don’t, you get a jump scare and the channel changes (that would force you to restart).
5:38 PM
and then when the "good" sound source plays you turn it up to hear the first part of the clue
5:38 PM
which I guess will be letters spelling a number
Unfortunately I didn't get to a lot of planning, had a publisher get back to me about Darkest Dreams so been scrambling to get stuff together for them. My very sketchy plan was to have numbers of things displayed on screen (3 skulls, followed by 4 blood spatters, etc) and the player would have to type the code back once the pattern finished displaying. Several loops of this, with the pattern getting longer each time
cool, that is not too close to my thing I don't think
5:43 PM
Also, I hope the publisher works out!!
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Freesound: collaborative database of creative-commons licensed sound for musicians and sound lovers. Have you freed your sound today?
close to figuring this out
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@Mike so do you still plan to use the "breaking news" image
9:43 AM
I like this look in the latest mockup but I also think we should not shy away from the closer TV broadcast design metaphors / aesthetics
9:44 AM
like, the user should be considered a viewer watching TV
9:46 AM
I wish we had time to make a minigame based on the fight scene from they live lol
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@Mike another asset we definitely need is a 🚫 type symbol to show briefly if you press an invalid button for a given minigame
10:11 AM
or some type of indicator
@Mike another asset we definitely need is a 🚫 type symbol to show briefly if you press an invalid button for a given minigame
yep, already got an idea for that πŸ™‚
I like this look in the latest mockup but I also think we should not shy away from the closer TV broadcast design metaphors / aesthetics
I think we could use the breaking news on of the other screens to reinforce wha t is going on, but this main screen is very game UI, it's breaking reality rules for the sake of player clarity, but if you want to make it more obtuse I think that's fine
11:10 AM
I was also thinking this screen is within a screen, the speaker and the top part would be part of a wrap around shell
I see, so that's always there?
11:21 AM
That makes sense
Editor's Note:
11:31 AM
Going to make the game that you have to turn the volume down during commercials.
11:31 AM
I guess it's only fair to let mute work too but that will make it pretty easy
11:32 AM
Also this will work best with a monospace font
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Elevate your workflow with the Abandoned Asylum asset from Lukas Bobor. Find this & other Urban options on the Unity Asset Store.
Yeah how do you imagine it working
Editor's Note:
The "hallway minigame" was a reference to an idea we had about making something inspired by the Friday the 13th NES game section where the player explored a cabin in a first person view. We never fully realized it for Chicaghoul, but when Mack later joined the team ahead of GDC / Day of the Devs we got it in. It had an interesting trajectory ultimately settling into a "backrooms" inspired concept that became one of the more popular (and personal favorite) minigames. More on this later!
since it's 1.8 gb, it's best to probably start a new project (URP, same unity version as main game)
6:31 PM
import the thing, build what you want as a prefab, then export it
lol I can't tell if this commercial minigame is cool or the dumbest thing I've ever made
8:54 PM
almost done
8:54 PM
Then I'm going to do a car one
8:55 PM
Based off of the driving scenes in the fog and the "got a light" scene in twin peaks
8:55 PM
you just have to steer the car w/out hitting somebody in the road
8:55 PM
It would be awesome if you did hit them and hit had the number like tatooed on their face or something
8:55 PM
but I don't know how to make that this fast
8:55 PM
It's already a stretch lol
lol ok well I finished the volume minigame
10:19 PM
it's... something lol
+ and - adjust volume.
10:37 PM
You can try it out on "volumeMinigameTest" scene
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10:38 PM
I guess technically it's = and -
Nice, will check it out tonight!
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ok I think next I need to do some work to get the main "hub" working in the background when you change channels.
10:40 PM
and create random passwords for each victim
I think it might be best if we use world space canvases for UI that is specific to particular minigames
10:58 PM
if we want to do the little gimmick where we make it look like the channels are "pushing" up / down
10:58 PM
just a note.
Can do, is the main camera in webcamTest what I should be looking through for it?
Yeah. Although I am making a new "main scene"
11:11 PM
it's just a copy of that other scene tho
one thing that is kind of annoying is that since the main camera lives outside the channel prefabs, we'd have to set that for every prefab in the main scene eventually. Just something to remember later I guess. (edited)
it's just a copy of that other scene tho
This is checked in btw
K I also made a new public function on Channel that lets you disable / enable all the renderers on a channel in case you need to leave it running while it's not the active channel.
11:26 PM
But if you don't you can still just deactivate the container object in the channel like before.
If we don't have time for 4 minigames, we could just fill channels with weird public domain stuff and put the solutions on different random channels each time victim spawns
12:26 AM
There's a lot of neat content out there on and national archives
Volume game is fun, I was like "Hey...... theres no punishment for not lowering the vol ACKkkk!"
2:33 AM
Uploaded a no art version of simon slays, match the pattern using 2,4,6,8
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Uploaded a no art version of simon slays, match the pattern using 2,4,6,8
Simon says is fun! That was a good idea. Have you tried it on remote? I added bindings in input actions for WASD to make it so I could test on keyboard for now. I feel like I was pushed to my limits but I still did it so I think that's pretty good πŸ˜‰ (edited)
Just tested with remote, stuff is working okay, but we are having issues with holding buttons. Button presses are always registering performed and canceled on the same frame (which is causing issues with volume and simon feedback). I think I can change it in the remote code, will keep ya updated.
Cool, otherwise I'm sure we can come up with some other workarounds in the game code
Okay that should be working better now. We are hardware limited to detecting buttons release to .15f time ticks, but it works well enough. You may want make the repeat voulme delay a little longer, but that's up to you. Also saw a bug that when leaving the channel and coming back, the volume bar and volume don't match.
Awesome, thanks!!
David pinned a message to this channel. 10/12/2023 12:49 PM
Thinking about Simon says, maybe the cubes should eventually be the numbers?
Yeah, the sketchy plan is to get scary images with numbers superimposed, but easiest is just numbers in scary font or something.
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Editor's Note:
That's all for part 1, which I somewhat arbitrarily cut off just before Friday the 13th. But this is also about halway through our discourse as we assembled the game jam prototype. Tune in to part 2 to see how things came together for our first exhibition at Chicaghoul!
End of Part 1
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