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Channel: Death
Part 2: Game Jam - finishing jam prototype for Halloween exhibition (10/13/2023 -10/22/2023)
Editor's Note:
Welcome to part 2! We have established the core framework of the game, but need to design and develop the minigames and put a little polish into the presentation values. And build the installation for exhibition!
@David I think I got the main UI done, I can start chopping it up and adding it to Unity
7:01 PM
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@David I think I got the main UI done, I can start chopping it up and adding it to Unity
Sweet, I just got home
7:12 PM
Will get on PC soon
phew I'm tired lol
Editor's Note:
The challenges and impacts of working after work are setting in. I enjoy these timestamps, and it would be interesting to follow along in the commit history to see what work was being committed around the time of certain messages in this chat.
7:48 PM
trying to think of the easiest minigames lol (edited)
7:49 PM
I could make one where you just have to turn the brightness up or something
7:49 PM
that's not very fun though
From a programming perspective, photo hunt and 3d maze might be easiest… but a lot of art stuff. Might be able to do a simple game stolen from like a game and watch collection. Idk
7:51 PM
I’m planning on arting Simon slays and doing one more mini game this weekend, but not sure what.
7:52 PM
Also if you aren’t feeling up to it, hiding something in the archive footage like you were talking is a solid idea.
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Editor's Note:
This is another idea I was excited about but passed on initially because of the scope complexity and our tight timeline. And again, another idea we were able to revisit once Mack joined the team for GDC / Day of the Devs! πŸ‘‡ (Also, note that these "video unavailable" messages just mean they can't play embedded. You can still click the "Watch on Youtube" link to see them.)
7:54 PM
The night driving
7:54 PM
With people running out in front of you
7:55 PM
Maybe like some of them are zombies and you should run them over. Then one of them will be someone with the code number?
7:56 PM
I would love to do something more with the remote too but I'm not coming up with good ideas
Lol as you hit more zombies the code gets slowly splashed onto your window screen
ha that would be sweet
If you aren’t grabbing it, I might try to make some sort of 1 button game with the jump button, that one really stands out to me.
πŸ’― 1
Sweet, I just got home
pushed those UI assets, they are in textures
If you aren’t grabbing it, I might try to make some sort of 1 button game with the jump button, that one really stands out to me.
sweet do it.
7:59 PM
I want more remote functionality so that's a good one.
Editor's Note:
Here I finally connect the dots about using the camera and doing a photo hunt / Where's Waldo type concept, which turns into the "pan and scan" minigame, another fan favorite, and a really easy one to make from a code / art perspective.
Ah I know, I'll do one with the camera.
8:49 PM
I looked into AR stuff, it basically can't do cool things in an unpredictable environment w/out iphone or android.
8:49 PM
So I think I am going to put lots of little distraction things in the texture and you will control panning and zoom and have to find the right thing, where's waldo style.
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8:52 PM
@Mike you around?
Can you add the suit icons as individual assets? They can stay in that one UI piece too, but I want to use them for other things
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added both a black version (so you can add a fill? or maybe that won't work) and a version cut from the circle
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added both a black version (so you can add a fill? or maybe that won't work) and a version cut from the circle
I think it needs to be white maybe for that to work
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got a basic hallway flashlight thingy going
10:08 PM
10:09 PM
could be you just have to navigate and keep a room full of one of the shapes and find the number, I like the idea of the NES movement you mentioned before David
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10:10 PM
I'm done for today, need to rest up
Editor's Note:
Thinking about the UI for the pan and scan minigame. I wanted to use some unusual buttons on this old remote, these fit the bill. We were operating under a mindset that figuring out the controls themselves was part of the puzzle, but watching people struggle at in-person events was enough to make us really spell things out (literally in the TV guide). I also ended up supporting volume up and down for this (in addition to these weird + and - R L buttons) just to make it as foolproof as possible.
@Mike if you are around to work at all today, I could use some help with some UI controls icons / text
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12:24 PM
I need something that indicates the player needs to press this:
12:24 PM
Not to be confused with volume up down / channel up down
12:25 PM
and then I think we need something for the numbers 8, 2, 4, and 6
12:25 PM
12:25 PM
which we use for directional input on some minigames
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12:25 PM
cool, I'll get going on this in a bit
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@Mike how many icons do you have like this?
1:12 PM
(not counting the 4 suits)
I can make as many as you want, with the numbers I was thinking we would use the font
1:13 PM
but I can export them out if you want
1:13 PM
that VHS font I sent in slack
I am making like a where's waldo type game
1:13 PM
and I need distraction icons
1:13 PM
so ones that aren't the suits
1:13 PM
Maybe 3 is enough
1:14 PM
so the cloud, the crown, and maybe one more?
1:14 PM
if you could make them white just like the white versions of the suits
1:14 PM
that would be perfect
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Editor's Note:
One tricky thing here we discovered was that, since this game used the camera, if the game was set up in front of a light background, the symbols were very hard to see. We ended up making the one you are supposed to find red and added contrasting outlines to them all. Then at GDC we had a red floor which was challenging but still went ok.
added 5 to the UI folder you can pull down
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How do you think we should show the running total of people saved / died?
1:30 PM
In xcom they have like a memorial for all the soldiers that die
going to work on that remote UI now, but I've been messing around with this
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1:31 PM
uh, let me think about that
going to work on that remote UI now, but I've been messing around with this
The trick with this is going to be the tile based movement
1:31 PM
but we can do it
the main screen has a lot of clutter, could it be on a separate channel?
1:32 PM
I'm trying to think of what it would look like on the news
1:32 PM
Like, maybe it's the chicago skyline (ideally night) (edited)
and then like a graphic panel
1:32 PM
with a scrolling list of names
yeah maybe, I think that's a good idea, feel weird about it because of the current real news 😒 , but maybe I can visually make it less "awful"
Editor's Note:
Unfortunately, we started making a game about hostages just before October 7. So we tried to avoid the word "hostage" (using "victim" instead) and make other considerations to avoid tasteless connections to current events as possible. I have a friend making a game about sniper murders. I generally have a pretty high tolerance for art, but this one almost creeped me out. I suppose it's because I'm more scared of a random sniper murderer than Jason or Freddy, because a random sniper murderer seems more terrifyingly plausible. I think they did some interesting things to make their sniper game more fantastical and they have the player also play as a detective stopping the killer. I'm excited to try it and see how it feels. Our game doesn't have much of a supernatural component, but it has a silly aesthetic and a premise that, for me as an artist, is outlandish enough to feel OK publishing. As you will read, I had some reservations about setting the game in Chicago (or any real city) vs a fictional place, but ultimately I think choosing a Chicago as the setting helped establish a midwestern 80s and 90s aesthetic.
Like I remember at one point WBEZ read the names of lots of people who died from covid (edited)
yeah maybe, I think that's a good idea, feel weird about it because of the current real news 😒 , but maybe I can visually make it less "awful"
yeah that's true
1:35 PM
We should probably avoid using the term "hostage" and just say like "victims of the broadcast killer"
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1:36 PM
1:36 PM
1:37 PM
like, they made that look like way too entertaining (edited)
1:38 PM
IDK, this is a stretch goal
1:38 PM
I want to get in all the cool blood effects and just have the game work first
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1:38 PM
but that's a good idea, a flat map with dots a some type of counter
is it bad if we make it chicago lol
1:39 PM
We can make it like middle earth
1:39 PM
I'm sure there are plenty of fake street/city maps
1:42 PM
but I think even a Chicago one would be okay
I still think a skyline background could be cool
what do you think about this for the remote buttons? we can place them anywhere
2:56 PM
showing pressed state for player feedback (edited)
Love it, but worried ppl might not get the difference between channel and the other arrow buttons
2:59 PM
I'm not sure there's a good solution
I feel like there is going to have be some discovery by the player about controls. But since the control is novel, people are going to be more willing to explore imo.
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Love it, but worried ppl might not get the difference between channel and the other arrow buttons
can you send me a picture of the full remote, I think I understand, but not sure (edited)
3:03 PM
There's a Google doc with it too I'm afk rn tho
oh I get it, right
3:03 PM
so we have 2,4,6, 8 --- the channel up and down --- and the volume up and down as user inputs?
I'm going to be using the jump button as well, but I'm thinking I don't want it displayed. Some fun ah ha moments when looking at the remote.
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I think channel and volume are fine to not UI also
3:09 PM
Same way
are you using those arrows (R/L) inputs for something? I guess I just don't understand what inputs are being used and what needs to be shown, do I just need to make it more clear that the arrow buttons belong to that R/L on the remote? And we will assume channel and volume will not be in the UI?
The arrow +- RL buttons control zooming in and out in my pan and scan game
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3:15 PM
PC controls are [ ] if you want to try webcam test scene
3:15 PM
It's almost done
3:15 PM
And WASD do the 8264 directional input (edited)
3:16 PM
On pc
3:17 PM
The goal is to find the club, but it's not quite done
pushed the remote UI, added +/- to the arrow interface, hopefully that is clear, but we can also make a "cheat sheet" to print out
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@Mike so I imagine there are two fonts maybe, one for the TV interface itself, like the volume up and channel numbers
6:03 PM
and then another for things that are part of the broadcast
6:03 PM
does that make sense?
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So which is the font you sent me supposed to be?
6:04 PM
and what is the font you want to use for the other cases (which could be multiple fonts really, depending on what you want to do / case by case) (edited)
I think that's best for TV UI, so volume, channel switching, I was using it as the Killer message too in the UI - let me see what other font I was using for the original broadcast, I can add that
I don't know if it makes sense to use it as the killer message and the fonts that the TV interface uses
6:06 PM
not that everything has to make sense
6:06 PM
but my thinking is the killer would not be using the same font as the manufacturer of the TV or w/e
6:06 PM
but that may be over thinking it lol
I get it, I think it might be overthinking it - however, I do think the number input should be different
6:09 PM
this is the original font I was using, we can use this for other things
6:12 PM
maybe this font for the user input number?
we could do this for the victim counter channel - found some 80s news footage
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Editor's Note:
I am really into the idea of naming the NPCs and reminding the player of these names later. It just seems like a cheap way to instantly have people care more. As I mentioned in the chat earlier, the games like X-Com where they have permadeath on named NPCs are a fun inspiration. But I hate how the penalties for them dying in X-Com are so tied to "gamey" concepts like stats and leveling up. If everyone reloads when someone dies, or NPC death is devastating to player progression, it becomes annoying and not interesting. In Channel: Death, it's almost fun when the NPCs die, like in a horror movie, and I think names are a huge part of that. If a player is frustrated or put in certain gameplay scenarios, they might make choices that intentionally kill an NPC. We ultimately ended up using NPC names as an answer to one of the overarching puzzle quiz questions. (more later) πŸ‘‡
Ha that's pretty cool
5:51 PM
I think it would be cool to use the names if we can think of how
we could do this for the victim counter channel - found some 80s news footage
The text here could say something about broadcast killer and "current death toll"
Getting down to the wire πŸ˜…
6:44 PM
I'm going to work on getting digits of the passcode assigned to channels
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I'm about done with the endless jumper game, just doing a very basic art pass
6:56 PM
then we have all 4 πŸ₯³
6:57 PM
I'm thinking about implementing an attract mode of sorts where if you leave a channel idle for like 1 minute it will change the channel
Yeah that makes sense. Is the plan to switch back to main channel when someone dies?
6:59 PM
I guess that makes sense too because otherwise like what you are doing is invalid and things probably need to reset, right?
Editor's Note:
Ultimately, we kept the same passcode after an NPC died, because losing that progress would have been too frustrating. But we still changed the channel back to the "killing floor" to make the player watch the NPC die, because the kill was dramatic and visually interesting and we wanted players to feel some sort of stakes (guilt!).
so, I think I will make public properties for each suit's current associated code number
7:00 PM
and the minigames can read it
7:00 PM
I'll just stub that in now so we can start hooking it up
7:01 PM
should each channel / minigame always use the same suit?
I feel like thats easiest, and we aint got much time for hard ;P
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Editor's Note:
Once we expanded the game beyond four minigames for GDC / Day of the Devs, we no longer locked each minigame to a particular suit. It's randomly assigned when a passcode is issued.
should we have a standard way of showing which suit is associated to a channel? As in, always have the suit's icon in the corner or something?
Top left makes sense to me, since top right is the channel number
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I pushed PasscodeManager.Instance.HeartsNumber etc so you can grab that in your minigames now.
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7:09 PM
I guess I will make those icons UI images and we can use worldspace canvas for it
7:09 PM
I guess we can just make one and use a prefab for it
7:11 PM
I'm using clubs for the pan and scan game
7:12 PM
the other one can be anything
7:12 PM
I guess I could just claim the two black suits just to pick fast lol
sounds like a plan lol
@Mike for the channels that have clues, we are thinking of putting the suits in the top left corner. Should we just use this circular frame for it?
7:13 PM
And if so, can you export just that circular frame?
@Ian I pushed a Channel World Space Canvas prefab that can be put at 0,0,0 and I think is scaled ok for our safe zone to match the visible area. It includes the suit icon. I think we will want to make it look cooler eventually but this is good for testing.
Okie Dokie
@Ian I pushed a Channel World Space Canvas prefab that can be put at 0,0,0 and I think is scaled ok for our safe zone to match the visible area. It includes the suit icon. I think we will want to make it look cooler eventually but this is good for testing.
yeah I can export those out in cricle form
yeah I can export those out in cricle form
Not sure if you did it already but if you just send the frame that's all I need I think
just added, with the broadcast channel UI I mocked up earlier and the video - still not sure how to add names, but I think I have an idea
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I just am thinking of how they say names to memorialize people. I think it gives us an opportunity to show the dumb names more. But it's not required and not sure if it will work well in practice πŸ™‚
@Mike Can you swap the heart and the spade here? Sorry, I just have some other stuff set up assuming that order (it's alphabetical)
8:51 PM
don't make a new asset, just directly change the existing one if possible
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8:52 PM
@David here it is
Did you push it?
9:02 PM
I just want to replace that old png w/ this one and things will just update automaticlly in the game
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oh, nah, I didn't add it there, I figured it would be easier for you here
9:02 PM
k, I'll do that
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Don't add a new one, just replace the old one
9:05 PM
k updated
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K made some progress getting UI implemented, will continue sooner or later πŸ˜‰
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Editor's Note:
We were too close to the deadline for me to have time to implement the tile-based movement, solve the complexities introduced by having 5 minigames (more than the suits - though we did solve this ultimately for GDC) and finish the other parts of the game. πŸ‘‡
If I have time, I will set up the turn based movement. Then I guess we would have to change the UI / password to be 5 symbols, or we would need to dynamically pick four of the 5 each time a victim dies.
12:12 PM
I agree, we would want the space to be very small
12:13 PM
I think we should put this on hold until we get the overall game more done.
12:13 PM
Also, @Mike, do you think you could make a quick and dirty 11x17 poster? πŸ˜… 😜
Editor's Note:
Here's where we came up with the title. I guess the pressure of the time limit just led to me proposing something. But I'm happy with it! I mean the game is about channels and death...
12:14 PM
Are you guys ok with the title "Channel: Death" or do we have better ideas?
lol Channel: Death sounds good to me
@Ian Just played endless runner, nice πŸ™‚ Love the eyeballs
1:13 PM
I will say that it was pretty hard for me, but my space bar switch on my keyboard is evidently kind of shitty so that exacerbated the challenge. I wonder if there will be any latency on the remote. Have you tried it with that input?
1:14 PM
Also, when should I try to collect the remote receiver computer thingy?
1:15 PM
Anyway, nice work, this is going to be fun πŸ“Ί 😈
Editor's Note:
We continuously had to make things easier after watching real players. Tale as old as time.
Haven’t tried it on the remote yet, we got a couple knobs that we can turn if we need to make easier.
1:28 PM
I was thinking I could drop it off tonight or tomorrow. I’m at micro center right now grabbing a longer cord, then I’m going to hit a thrift stop real quick to see if they have any boxes.
1:30 PM
There are a couple thing we will have to go over to get the new remote working, I figure if I drop it off I can show ya how to set it up too.
I was thinking I could drop it off tonight or tomorrow. I’m at micro center right now grabbing a longer cord, then I’m going to hit a thrift stop real quick to see if they have any boxes.
nice, thanks for all of that work!
1:35 PM
I'll be at my office where the event is going to be most of the day (and night). I have a 3PM - 4PM meeting (virtual) but feel free to come by whenever is convenient. (edited)
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1:35 PM
Hope you get lucky and find something cool haha
1:36 PM
Wish I knew a good store to recommend but really not sure 😭
The device is finished!
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I'll be at my office where the event is going to be most of the day (and night). I have a 3PM - 4PM meeting (virtual) but feel free to come by whenever is convenient. (edited)
Sometime between 6:30-7 okay?
That works. Box looks awesome great job!!
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Great work!
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@Mike I need something like this I can use on any channel
7:16 PM
7:16 PM
It will be what comes up and tells viewer someone has died before we switch them to the channel that shows the person dying.
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I'll knock that out after I get done teaching
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I can make it transition in from the side or something
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@Ian sorry for the panick lol. the bug was definitely in the new code. I think I failed to switch back to main once I moved my new code to a branch. Things seem to be working smoothly, easy to use system great work πŸ™‚
8:28 PM
I need to make it so that you can't hold down channel change. That behavior works differently on keyboard. And I'll have to playtest all the minigames w/ remote some to figure out difficulty. But shouldn't be a big deal. Almost there!
8:28 PM
Also gotta figure out how to block input to real TV lol (edited)
8:32 PM
ok I found a small piece of cardboard that at least proves it can be blocked. will look for cooler solution later.
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@David what channel is the breaking news on? also what is the game called?
@David what channel is the breaking news on? also what is the game called?
It's on any channel. It will interrupt any channel when a kill is about to happen
8:54 PM
and then after a sec change to the kill channel to make you watch
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8:54 PM
Game is called "Channel: Death" unless you have another idea to discuss
added Breaking News, added a long and a short version, not sure what you needed
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Editor's Note:
Part of the game jam was creating a movie style poster. I really wanted to participate! πŸ˜… But of course Mike knocked it out of the park and then we were able to use the visual concepts for other promotional materials.
added Breaking News, added a long and a short version, not sure what you needed
we could make it a mcguffin, make it super short, put some blood textures on the wall saying something like "don't waste your time"
I'm going to stay up and work after dinner tonight
10:29 PM
I want to get the channel change effect looking good
10:29 PM
I don't know if there should be some sort of official ending or anything either...
10:29 PM
And I still need to get the blood in
10:30 PM
Sitting down to eat now, will be back in like 45
Ok, back.
I decided that it would be fun to a classic, retro ad from the 80s for the poster
11:24 PM
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Click to see attachment πŸ–ΌοΈ
should the tag line be "their" instead of "your"
Click to see attachment πŸ–ΌοΈ
that's it for me today, been a long day
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should the tag line be "their" instead of "your"
Yeah I'm not sure either but we can change the text pretty easily
Editor's Note:
The final push! The jam submission was due at 11:59PM. I stayed up late trying to implement the UI scrolling text, blood, and other finishing touches. Here is our final flurry of changes, hampered by day jobs.
Getting there
2:51 AM
Got to call it a night!
2:51 AM
I want to dim the lights and pause like they do for fatalities in MK, that would be cool
2:53 AM
I couldn't figure out how to make the blood fade out in Unity so I made a new blood video that transitions to an all green screen. It's ok.
Oh yeah,.I put in channel change effects that should be ok for now too
3:01 AM
Forgot to record it πŸ˜”
Click to see attachment πŸ–ΌοΈ
When you get time, can you export out the logo so I can make a little starting screen?
12:18 PM
Also for the text, maybe it just says "Tune in to Death."
12:19 PM
Overall I think the text is really good, but If you put it in the google doc I can make some minor edits:
I added this intro channel to help orient players
@Ian I think there is a new bug with jumping on the endless runner where I can jump once but then cannot jump any more.
2:22 PM
I don't think I broke it
Yeah, I got a fix but I might have missed submitting it before I started running chores. Issues with the collider for the kill floor splatter, but I basically just moved all the physics objects in the endless jumper to a different layer.
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cool no rush!
2:37 PM
I'm working on the death / save report channel
2:38 PM
Then I'm going to put in and ending, at least for what we submit to the reviewers.
2:38 PM
I think I'm going to make it so that after a certain number of people are saved, the killer will put himself on the machine and you can choose if you want to save them.
2:38 PM
or kill them
2:38 PM
and then after that it will be game over
Okay that fix is up, something a little weird happened with github but I think its fine. Let me know if there are any issue ;P
For bgm, are we thinking just 1 track for everything or each channel have it own?
I'd like to do each channel if we have time
6:15 PM personally, I mean each channel has its own 😜
6:16 PM
Omw home then I can work more
@Mike I updated the poster text, let me know if that works for you!
8:17 PM
again, nice job, that was great πŸ™‚
I got an hour or two for stuff any time tonight if ya need help on anything, with the audio finished I'm feeling pretty wrapped on the Endless Jumper and Simon Slays unless something comes up/ they need tweaks. (edited)
8:37 PM
I'm trying to get this ending in
8:38 PM
Can you find a channel change sound effect?
outside of sound design can you think of other things we're missing?
8:39 PM
oh I'd still like a title screen
8:40 PM
@Mike can you export the logo from the poster for use on itch and the title screen?
If we don't have time for it - I feel like just starting them on the News description is fine and don't start the killing till they flip off of it the first time (edited)
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I think the second part is done
8:41 PM
I think...
I just got done teaching, I'll work on that image stuff (edited)
Okay there is a ChangeChannel audio clip up there, should be able to just play it when we start the change channel process.
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If you have time for more, I guess we need male and female death screams lol
9:14 PM
And maybe background music for the news screens
Kk, can do
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@David here are some itch assets - (I think these sizes work, I added the poster and there is a 1024 title screen size in there too, but that's not for itch)
Shared with Dropbox
10:16 PM
I did create this for a title screen
πŸ‘ 1
Thanks guys!
10:26 PM
I am going to eat dinner.
10:26 PM
Will come back, finish last things and submit before midnight πŸ˜‰
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MaleDeath & FemaleDeath are up, and the two news screens should have BGM now.
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K I'm back
2:52 AM
There are some more sounds I'd like to put in and it would be cool to have a better transition to when new victims appear.
2:52 AM
And I have a feeling the game is very hard lol
2:52 AM
But this is really rad, great work all! πŸ‘
2:53 AM
Also this build does not have the remote stuff in. I'm going to focus on that next. But I figure no one that tries at home will have that anyway.
2:56 AM
Man, Ian, you knocked it out of the park w/ sound design in your games!
Good job all around folks!
πŸ’ͺ 1
Editor's Note:
From this point until the day of the event (10/20/23) we got our print materials and installation set up for the show (testing the remote and TV finally πŸ˜…).
I think in retrospect the volume minigame, while neat, needs more replay value
10:40 AM
I think the others work with replay
10:40 AM
The other problem is that I like hearing the weird commercials
10:41 AM
so even if I had like random commercials for replay value, it would still be kind of boring, or at least more boring than if you got to hear them. Maybe the better solution for a longer term project would be adding more minigames so that they are random each time. (edited)
Editor's Note:
πŸ‘† This is essentially what we did for the next round of festivals. But the in retrospect, I'm not sure it made sense for a concept where many attendees are stopping by once over the course of an event. If you only play once, who cares about replay value? This does seem like it would make the game more interesting for smaller groups or streamers, but I think you would need even more (like a Wario Ware amount) minigames to make this work.
And I have a feeling the game is very hard lol
Also, to elaborate on this, the difficulty I'm worried about (at least before we test on remote) is: how long does it take to solve these puzzles?
10:42 AM
I think I give the player 5 minutes rn, but I think that's tough
10:42 AM
like if you fail deep into one of the minigames you're screwed
10:43 AM
you're almost certainly screwed on your first victim, but I think thats OK / good so you see the kill and understand more of the game
10:44 AM
I also set it to spawn the killer after 3 victims have gone through. So we're talking about maybe 15 - 20 minutes to beat the game. That seems like a long time haha.
10:44 AM
For the event, we can make the killer not show up (to end the game) for a long time. Like 3 hours worth of victims I guess.
@Mike do you have time to make these changes and then send me a PDF I can send to the printer? πŸ˜… πŸ™‡ (edited)
Also, to elaborate on this, the difficulty I'm worried about (at least before we test on remote) is: how long does it take to solve these puzzles?
Yeah my guess is that 5 mins might be too short, especially for the event? The jumper game takes 1 min to complete if perfected, and simon says could def take just as long.
πŸ‘ 1
11:25 AM
updated the poster image in the itch folder too
did you print this yet? @David saw something I need to fix, issue with the head overlay image
4:25 PM
fixed the poster image for itch too - I didn't see that screen mode change when I flipped it over to CMYK for printing, should be good now
Lol well they seemingly only figured out the endless runner game
5:16 PM
but they could not beat it.
5:16 PM
But they still got the ending
πŸŽ‰ 1
5:16 PM
so I feel good about that lol
5:16 PM
and no bugs really
5:16 PM
They switched it to 16x9 which kind of breaks the camera view some but not too bad
did you print this yet? @David saw something I need to fix, issue with the head overlay image
I did not order the print yet, so Iwill use the new version!
Maybe to make things easier I could not reset the PW when victims die
5:34 PM
Only when rescuing?
yeah that seems fine to me, although I think they win states oy my games are getting reset on the NewVictim event, so they wouldn't stay "completed" even though the password didnt change
I can make a PasswordReset event
yeah that works for me, let me know when that is up and running and I will tie my stuff in. While im in there, should I make jumping and simon easier?
6:02 PM
I'm torn about it.
6:02 PM
probably a little maybe lol
6:03 PM
I think everything will be harder on remote for one
lol I'll just do some small tweaks. I do think that stuff not resetting will make everything a lot more doable though
πŸ‘ 1
I need to update the vlume game to not reset too
@Ian I added a PasscodeManager.PasscodeSet event
πŸ‘ 1
7:32 PM
and made it so passcode only changes on entering the correct one.
Ok I fixed some terrible bugs I had left in
8:32 PM
like the volume minigame was never set to use the real clue code number lol
8:33 PM
Question: what should time limit be before victim dies now that password doesn't reset?
8:33 PM
before I was trying to pick a time that made it possible to beat all the minigames within
8:33 PM
but now that's not critical
8:33 PM
not sure what to do.
I feel like 5 mins still is fine. If it is too often it will cut through the minigames too much with the forced channel change.
I feel like 5 mins still is fine. If it is too often it will cut through the minigames too much with the forced channel change.
oh yeah I forgot about that!
9:14 PM
I also forgot to add sound design to the pan and scan
9:14 PM
9:14 PM
oh well I need to get the remote working next
You were a busy guy lol
yeah I have to teach tomorrow and friday it's going to be an intense road up to this show lol
9:15 PM
it's crazy we got 11 submissions
Yeah, great turnout!
Ok, I think I fixed my game breaking bugs, LMK when you change the other minigames and I will publish a new build on itch
kk, working ony my stuff now, should be done shortly
9:21 PM
gonna take a dinner break.
@Ian is there a way to slow down how fast we read input from the remote?
12:11 AM
As in, slow down how fast it repeats the input if we are holding a button down. Right now, on simon says, I basically cannot press the input just once.
Wait really? I tested it to make sure that didnt happen
one sec, you will need to change some code, taking a look.
another thing I overlooked is I'm going to have to add inputs for every number and then set up reactions to inputs that will enter text into the input fields 😦
12:13 AM
which makes sense I just didn't think about it
Okay, just exposed "wait Time Since last" on the message listerner. That is how long it ignores inputs (it reset if it gets a repeat input). Increase that incrementally until you no longer have the hold buttons issue.
12:19 AM
I guess different computers have different repeat rates on the controller
sweet thanks I'll give it a shot!
hm I am still having trouble getting it to work 😦
12:36 AM
I'm wondering if I can maybe fix it with something here
Hmmm maybe, im not sure. I'm setting like fake input values to the unity input system, so I'm not quite sure where they are going in.
12:38 AM
If you set the wait time since last to like 100 (basically should never trigger another press) it still doing the multiple inputs?
Yeah that seems to make it keep entering it for a longer time
12:40 AM
like if I press volume down once it will just keep going
12:40 AM
instead of going down like 2 bars
hmm what if you set it to like .05?
12:47 AM
idk, I'm a couple old styles in right now so not 100% about stuff. I can come by tomorrow and try to troubleshoot in person though if that would be helpful.
haha nice
12:49 AM
no worries yeah I need to get some rest too. I won't be back until like 7:30 tomorrow unfortunately, not sure when you are available
Evening is fine if it works for you, I'm a total night owl.
cool well I will text you when I am on my way home
πŸ‘ 1
Thanks for being available, hopefully I'm not just doing something dumb lol (edited)
No worries, I'm sure we will get it workin eventually lol
I'm pretty sure we could fix this in game code too if we need to
@Mike just to keep you in the loop, we fixed it πŸ’ƒ
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2:05 AM
Double trouble
2:06 AM
I successfully solved a puzzle
Ooo awesome
I did see a weird bug with volume minigame where volume goes up to Max as soon as game starts and can't go down but I couldn't reproduce
2:08 AM
Mute still worked in the broken state so I guess it's not a progression stopper
2:09 AM
I enlarged text, it's pretty legible. This game is cool!
😎 1
I did see a weird bug with volume minigame where volume goes up to Max as soon as game starts and can't go down but I couldn't reproduce
Yeah we didn’t do a ton of QA so I kinda expect bugs, but imo as long as a channel change resets them it’s all part of the spooky cursed tv factor lol
πŸ‘ 1
Channel change did not fix this lol
But I couldn't reproduce
2:12 AM
We'll see what happens lol
Well at least there is mute button
πŸ‘ 1
Hey @Ian hope your trip was fun! Just to give you an update, people liked the game. Someone from bit bash went to our show and then invited us to show the game at bit bash the next day, which we did and was cool. Lot's of good feedback. I think it would be cool to put a little polish into the game and then try to submit to ctrl.alt.gdc. (edited)
Lol that’s funny. Who was it? I’m down to try to submit to Ctrl alt, maybe just need to do a meeting to talk what that means.
Editor's Note:
That takes us through completing the initial prototype and our first two exhibitions, Chicaghoul and Bit Bash! See you in part 3 for the start of our journey to Day of the Devs and GDC. πŸ›£οΈ
End of Part 2
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