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Channel: Death
Part 7: Extending the game for alt.ctrl.gdc (3/13/2024 - 3/23/2024)
Editor's Note:
Welcome to part 7! The grand finale wherein we create a final list of improvements to make before Day of the Devs and GDC based on playtesting, show the game there, and make a lot of last minute fixes at the show! We left off just before taking the game to consignment lounge for demoing and playtesting.
How are things going over there? Might stop by if things are cookโ€™n. Got to Uber home soon.
Well there's a couple playing
Lots of bugs, but weโ€™re getting a list
How long u guys gonna be there
10:14 PM
I might Uber over
I'll hang out until around 10
10:19 PM
Maybe 10:30
๐Ÿ‘ 1
10:25 PM
People like the game but can't win lol
Iโ€™ll be there in about 15
No worries
Iโ€™m scared for the bug list lol. How far did ppl make it?
No one has been able to beat 4 games but we had a couple people brute force with 3
Oh dang
11:24 PM
Does it seem to hard or like they lose interest
Hard or broken lol
12:00 AM
Well drop the list in here eventually Iโ€™ll try fix stuff the best i can
Here's my list, but I'm think we should be careful about working on the same stuff . I'll try to add things to GitHub tomorrow. Meantime if you work on something I guess make sure we know.
12:14 AM
  • add button key to corridor maze
  • need no audio help for maze
  • kills too fast, too short time limit?
  • input is still broken on maze. Need to reset when you change channels
  • club icon shouldn't disappear on pan and scan
  • say "not available" or clarify channels that are unused? Maybe just make suits more obvious
  • some channels have room small suit icons
  • outline the icons on pan and scan?
  • animate pulse the suit icons
  • make drive don't even bigger, take up the hole screen. Start them already moving? Reduce time to win
  • pan and scan controls font increase, use volume as well as additional button
  • make hit ix smaller on drive game
  • make clue reveal more often
  • add special icon for clue reveal and quiz
  • add screenshot of interrogation to quiz interface
  • clue / quiz answers not saving properly
12:14 AM
Also these are raw notes, I need to clarify many
Editor's Note:
Making this list was stressful due to day job time pressure seeping in, but it was very much worth it as other team members fixed nearly everything I added!
Starting a spreadsheet
11:34 AM
I think that's fastest for this type of last minute rush
Gonna move my list in there
11:35 AM
with more clear descriptions
11:40 AM
I should have given you the box and remote that was dumb
if I need to grab it I can, still not sure if we have any box problems
๐Ÿ‘ 1
11:46 AM
For this list, we didnt get to test the power game last night but wasn't it having issues as well in build?
yeah that's true, it occasionally just starts with the losing state
11:47 AM
Don't know how to reproduce.
11:47 AM
Doesn't seem to happen in editor but not positive about that.
11:47 AM
Interesting how we kept getting the same games
11:47 AM
like, did jumper ever come up in the new build? I know it came up when I played the old one
11:48 AM
maybe it should be a sequence and not random
it didnt, but we only saved 2 or 3 people? We never actually cycled through everything. We could make it swap 2 games instead of 1 on win if we want.
but we did restart a lot
11:50 AM
yeah the restart is random, but like.... we shouldnt be restarting that often ;P
does the current logic not pick the same things over and over
11:50 AM
until they have all been picked?
11:51 AM
like shuffle logic on a music playlist
11:51 AM
or is it total random
it does, but it doesnt save it on a restart
well, let's hope we don't need to restart as often ๐Ÿ˜‰
Editor's Note:
Again, making concessions to make the game easier (giving seemingly obvious clues in the TV guide). This was the right call for the shows but one would be surprised how obvious things need to be for most players.
Do we want to call out the other key words in the tv guide? like sleep or jump?
12:02 PM
12:03 PM
current version
12:03 PM
probably a good idea, I'll do that
Editor's Note:
๐Ÿ‘‡ I think I was right in this diagnosis, and I'm pretty satisfied with myself for figuring it out. ๐Ÿ˜‚ Plus the hands Mack added are awesome, they look like the killer from a Dario Argento film. Giallo hands!
12:07 PM
Interesting that people could seemingly figure out steering in car game but didn't know what to press in corridor.
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12:08 PM
I think it's because without an embodiement it kind of looks like it could just be a camera view
12:08 PM
so you don't realize the camera can "walk"
12:08 PM
but maybe a more video game-minded / literate audience would get it. Either way, I say add the number pad
12:10 PM
Ok, I think I got all my notes on there. I feel like there were some other weird bugs I might have missed, feel free to add things.
12:11 PM
@Ian I wonder if there's away we can add an input that restarts the game from within the game with the remote? would that be too risky players would accidentally hit it? maybe accessing the computer isn't that bad at the next shows?
12:12 PM
oh, I know, I can bring this
12:12 PM
Have to remember that...
12:12 PM
I'll pack it now.
Yeah having a wireless keyboard/mouse would be safer I think.
yeah that's true, it occasionally just starts with the losing state
I think i know what this is
12:36 PM
So for maze game input, can who ever has the remote take care of that issue? Iโ€™ll fix other things related to maze game.
I can take a look. I donโ€™t have the remote but I currently donโ€™t think it is a remote issue with how itโ€™s behaving after playtesting last night.
@David was there crashes from the power game? Unrelated to starting with lose state from what u could tell? (edited)
I can take a look. I donโ€™t have the remote but I currently donโ€™t think it is a remote issue with how itโ€™s behaving after playtesting last night.
Okay weird.. Iโ€™ve never experienced problems on keyboard. Or i guess idk what David changed
Yeah idk, maybe David made it worse. Weโ€™ll get it figured
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I think I only changed like one line of code ๐Ÿ™‚
Iโ€™ll look in a bit too. David probobly made it better lol (edited)
Well I made it worse for the player
12:51 PM
Gonna look over that when i get to 916
12:51 PM
Had to write a paper this morning lol
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let's just all make sure we don't do the same tasks
12:52 PM
I think Ian is already working on the maze input thing so pick a different one
12:53 PM
Editor's Note:
I had to teach a bunch on the final two days before leaving town. This was a true last minute push and I was getting nervous! ๐Ÿ˜…
my availability is in the toilet between now and the show sunday ๐Ÿ˜ฆ (edited)
12:54 PM
Maybe I can tackle some stuff at the airport / in flight.
12:54 PM
I can also try to test the maze input fix
Maze input should be working again, restored the hold functionality as well.
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What was issue?
Raycasts were being blocked by colliders that were being left on in the new interrogation scene ;P
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Oh crap yea I had a problem with a point light being left on as well
1:18 PM
Lmk when u push Iโ€™ll start fixing other maze game stuff
Should be up
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FYI the interrogation scene is meant to continue playing in the background like a real TV show, so we would need to disable the problematic components. not sure what approach you used to solve it
I just turned off the mesh colliders
๐Ÿ’ฏ 2
Editor's Note:
Corridor maze game design moves ๐Ÿ‘‡ This went from the game I was most nervous about (mazes suck) into one of my favorite games. The pacing worked well and when the monster from the power game was incorporated for the jump scare and it helped the whole game world feel more connected.
ok so i had a maze game playtester say they didnt know what the goal was
3:04 PM
do u guys think I should use text to hint at music? or say find an exit? or something?
3:04 PM
maybe just the word "EXIT" could be cool like in driving game (edited)
3:05 PM
and when you are getting close there is an exit sign
I feel like we want the channels to feel different so I would rather not do the same style of text overlay. I do think telling the player to find the exit or just "exit" will give the player motivation. It would be cool if you could do a diegetic way of it. Hanging exit sign with an arrow could be cool, but not sure you are spawning the maze so if it pointed the wrong way could be bad lol
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i think I can do hanging exit sign
3:11 PM
maybe it should say "Find Exit" though
3:11 PM
also I put the arm models back in
3:12 PM
im hoping that will help ppl realize they are a person in a mze
Yeah "Find Exit" could work
I think an exit sign would be cool
what if i start the player looking at a wall with "find exit" and then the numpad controls on it
I think it would be ok to just say exit and maybe have an arrow in the sign, or question mark?
question mark could be good
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I think the bigger deal is it's not too long or tricky
3:19 PM
Mazes suck in games unless there's a trick so you feel smart (edited)
thats easy lol
3:19 PM
a truck
yea music probobly isnt enough of a trick
3:20 PM
i made it half as hard
3:20 PM
in terms of size so should be fine
So you had the music, we might need some other concept for no audio
yea theres post processesing but not to noticable
3:21 PM
i think with a goal ppl will be more motivated to search for the exit
The ceiling lights would be good clues
oh true
Flicker the correct way only?
3:21 PM
Not sure how hard that is code wise
that would be super cool
3:21 PM
that might be a bit tricky tho..
3:21 PM
thats if there is time
Don't randomize it ๐Ÿ˜œ
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would need to do a special path finding thing
3:22 PM
Run the randomizer two or three times, copy all the game objects and "save" the layouts as prefabs
3:23 PM
Or just do one idc
oh smart
3:23 PM
yea ill do that
๐Ÿ‘ 1
3:24 PM
Tbh, investigating odd game breaking bug with power minigame is more important I think
3:24 PM
The light guide is a good idea but that bug stops the game period
what do u mean
3:25 PM
3:25 PM
i see
So plz look into trying to repro it in build if you haven't yet
will do
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3:25 PM
would it crash at random points
3:25 PM
or was there any pattern to it
No it just starts on the bad ending with the enemy face in the camera
3:26 PM
That is the result idk the repro steps
3:26 PM
i think i fixed it then
3:26 PM
it was just a bool
3:27 PM
it had to do with position initialization i think
havnt tested in build tho will do just to be sure
Make a build yeah
3:27 PM
3:28 PM
See if you can rescue someone or solve a couple quiz questions without cheating
which one?
3:32 PM
i could make do text
3:32 PM
instead of button images
3:32 PM
that might be confusing tho
The one on the right is better.
3:37 PM
If it were me I'd have an exit sign like real life on an object in the world
3:38 PM
and I'd not point at the wall
3:38 PM
and I'd have the numbers be UI in the middle of the screen and disappear after player has moved a couple times.
3:38 PM
and if the player left the channel and came back, I'd reset it all.
3:39 PM
ill try to do that stuff
of course these are guesses and I don't know if it's high priority
did u encounter these when building
what are the errors?
3:40 PM
The errors I had were these:
3:41 PM
build was failing because of some of those using statements
3:41 PM
using UnityEditor.Experimental.GraphView;
3:41 PM
not sure what that is or where it came from
3:41 PM
This one too maybe using Unity.PlasticSCM.Editor.WebApi;
3:42 PM
but those error messages in your screenshot aren't helpful really
thats fine, i agree
hopefully it tells you something real somewhere
its building now so well see
fixed power game
does anyone have changes or am i okay to push changes to main scene
5:36 PM
What did you change in the main scene?
literally just inspector values in prefabs but if I dont save changes to main scene it doesnt save them..
5:36 PM
even if i override changes on the prefabs and discard main scene changes
That doesn't sound right
Well, do me a favor and apply any overrides from main scene down to your channel prefabs
im gonna do some tests
Otherwise it gets nasty and easy to mess up (edited)
k im just applying changes to all the prefabs
5:38 PM
like override and applying them down
5:39 PM
Do it thoughtfully and not just generally ๐Ÿ˜œ
well yes lol
5:40 PM
ok it worked now lol
If we don't have overrides in main scene you should be able to just update prefabs
ill push without any changes to main scene
David pinned a message to this channel. 3/14/2024 5:42 PM
if the main scene was previously saved and committed with overrides, you would need to submit the main scene again once there are no overrides
๐Ÿ‘ 2
oh okay
6:10 PM
I have to run some errands, then I have to finish up some work things. Iโ€™ll try work through some UI stuff later tonight, might have to do some of it on the plane tomorrow. (edited)
should I just take the depth of field off the driving game? I feel like the bluriness on the suit is not ideal. I could also do screen space overlay but none of the other games have that, and then the channel change affect does not apply to the suit image. Open to other ideas as well. (edited)
Hm. I guess what you do for this is make a camera stack setup
7:16 PM
the main camera I guess should just be pointed at the worldspace UI canvas that has the suit
7:17 PM
then a secondary camera is the driving game with it's own post processing setup, set to be part of a camera stack and not the main camera
7:17 PM
then in the main camera you arrange the layers
7:18 PM
that way you can have different post processing on each deal (I think)
okay, i can try and play around with it. can u think of anywhere something like this is setup in the project already i can look at (edited)
interrogation scene
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7:18 PM
7:18 PM
it doesn't have a separate post processing setup...
7:18 PM
i will take depth of field off for now, and we can come back to it im jsut gonna get all the suits working before class
That makes sense!
7:20 PM
Here's an answer I got using Microsoft Copilot, the world's first AI-powered answer engine. Select to see the full answer or try it yourself.
Editor's Note:
As mentioned previously, we had trouble with players not noticing the suit icons in the corner of the screen. Some iteration on that problem here. One thing I have learned over the years is that it often takes many layers of feedback to get the point across in games. ๐Ÿ‘‡
also is this what u meant by the suits should pulse
7:24 PM
or u mean like just they should constantly pulse
or u mean like just they should constantly pulse
I know David is teaching right, we talked about this last night, I like how they โ€œjumpโ€ when you change channel - people are still not seeing the icon when they play, so I think this helps
8:40 PM
However I think we want to also have a a โ€œpulseโ€, background circle that grows and fades, has an initial opacity, that is slow and constant
8:40 PM
Similar to what you see hereโ€ฆ (edited)
8:42 PM
8:43 PM
Expect it probably should be white opacity, itโ€™s an element that grows from behind the icon - hopefully this is a helpful art direction
8:44 PM
The example above is too fast, should be subtle and smooth, donโ€™t want it to be distracting
Expect it probably should be white opacity, itโ€™s an element that grows from behind the icon - hopefully this is a helpful art direction
okay so not scale the actual suit image, but just have a semi-transparent white circle behind that pulses?
Yeah but your channel change bounce is cool
๐Ÿ‘ 2
8:54 PM
So if we have time this background element in addition. @Mike are you thinking just a white circle? You might have to give us a png and mack can animate it
8:54 PM
Just because I'm not positive how you want it to look either
Yeah but your channel change bounce is cool
right, I was advocating for keeping that in there for sure, the bounce when you change channel and then the pulse is for when they stay on the channel, I can mock up an example (edited)
๐Ÿ‘ 1
Done for tonight, very tired, did too much running around today. But I got UI shapes updated for Pan and Scan, I added stroke and color. I think those updates will help a lot. We'll see. Updated the quiz screen with a shot of the interrogation room, would be cool if it was a "live" feed, but too much work for that. (edited)
10:47 PM
fyi TV guide PDF updates are linked in the Google doc
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Iโ€™ll mock up the pulse tomorrow on the plane, still havenโ€™t finished packing ๐Ÿ˜ฐ
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Have a good flight!โœˆ๏ธ And good luck packing! ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
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I updated the save system to get stuff working, but i think if you have an old save on your system it will break, so please delete your old saves asap!
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Pulsing Thread (not sure if uploads will work on plane)
3:59 PM
4:03 PM
Here is how this works. 1.) It's behind the suite container graphic. 2.) It starts off at size 4 x 4, 0% opacity. 3.) It taks 1.4 to grow to 96 x 96, 20% opacity. 4.) Then the animation ends at 2 seconds with a scale of 120 x 120, with 0% opacity
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4:04 PM
Video conecpt:
4:07 PM
4:08 PM
There should at least be 1 second delay before the next pulse, might be better if it's 2, don't want it to be distracting
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I bet I can type this into GitHub copilot with leantween and it will basically do it lol
4:33 PM
Not sure when I will be able to tho
4:33 PM
Got the guide printed and laminated
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Great work tearing through the spreadsheet guys! ๐Ÿ™‡
Hell yea thanks for being project manager and making it lol, made things alot much easier๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿผ
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Played the game for an hour+ tonight. With all the fixes today didnโ€™t run into anything super big, good stuff everyone. Gonna try to do some more playtesting tomorrow too.
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Did you try a build?
No, I will today
Sweet, thanks. Heading to CA in a few hours, will try to test the TV's when I get there
It would be kind of cool to have something to set the remote on at the show. Not sure what exactly.
Maybe like a stool with a cloth over it?
I bet I can type this into GitHub copilot with leantween and it will basically do it lol
Lmk if u r able to implement this or if u need me to
I made it
Lmk if u r able to implement this or if u need me to
please do if you can
8:57 PM
It seems the game crashes as soon as you run it ๐Ÿ˜ญ
8:57 PM
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object GameManager.Update () (at Assets/Scripts/GameManager.cs:182)
8:57 PM
I'll look into that.
Did you delete your old save?
oh tyah just realized that
8:58 PM
8:58 PM
8:59 PM
also just fyi, there is a game breaking bug if you lose Volume minigame right now, but almost have the fix tested and ready to upload.
9:00 PM
thank you
9:00 PM
The only other thing I have been thinking about is
9:00 PM
the question about remembering who died is probably going to be hard
9:00 PM
I think the ideal solution would be the "honoring the fallen" ticker on the kill count channel
I changed how it works so it always picks the last person who died, so if they dont know they can just kill another and get the name ;P
๐Ÿ‘ 1
that works
I figured we dont have time for anything else
Thatโ€™s seems to work (edited)
9:26 PM
9:26 PM
I may have some time to work tommorow so let me know if u encounter any game breaking bugs at day of the devs
Tested tvs, having a bit of a screen size issue but I have fixed this before. Worst case scenario we just use one of the tvs
I just hope you guys know how much I appreciate all your hard work, can't wait to see you guys in CA!
โค๏ธ 2
Ok, I can't figure out an easy fix for the scaling / resizing issue so I am going to adjust the canvases to bring in the number and suit icons some.
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Okay, very strange that it changes with fixed aspect ratio. I guess maybe itโ€™s based off of screen pixels?
11:44 AM
Also the Corridor, driving, and enter channels use world space canvas so the sizing and positioning is different then the rest
@Mack how come you didnt' add the pulse to the worldspace canvas prefab, is there a good reason?
@Mack how come you didnt' add the pulse to the worldspace canvas prefab, is there a good reason?
Oops no just an oversight. Go ahead and apply it if u need
Did the hard lock on killing floor bug only happen in build or in editor?
idk build I htink
12:32 PM
Be careful I'm changing stuff like crazy to fix the ui
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Editor's Note:
At this point I was intensely stressed out about the mere hours I had to fix a problem where many of the suit icons in channels were not in the safe zone of the TVs we had in California, and I could not figure out how to fix it in my graphics card settings. We are now in the realm of "dirty hacks" to get the bugs worked out in time for Day of the Devs!
In Sf, anything I can help with or should I just plan on meeting up at setup? @David
In Sf, anything I can help with or should I just plan on meeting up at setup? @David
should it only select one new minigame when a new passcode is picked? or should we get 4 new random ones? right now it only does one. Im thinking maybe getting 4 new random ones might be better so people dont get bored..
1:20 PM
but if there is a good reason for only having it get one new random one i wont touch it lol
I think we could up it to 2, but Iโ€™m not sure about 4. I expect people will move on after they have saved one person so I donโ€™t think boring people is some that will come up too much. Something we can also test tonight and change for Wednesday if we want.
ah okay good to know
1:25 PM
ill try upping it to 2 rn see how it feels
Ok I think I fixed it
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1:28 PM
I had to turn off the pulse for some of the games that use other cameras
1:28 PM
like Mack's power, driving, and enter
Because it was scaled crazy after I added it to the worldspace canvas prefab
I'm really nervous about changing anything
all good
1:29 PM
as long as its playable lol
I would say, if you have time, grab latest, make a build, and see if you can beat every minigame at least once
1:29 PM
that would be huge
1:29 PM
let's avoid any changes that aren't fixing progression stoppers
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1:29 PM
If you find a progression stopper LMK
ok I have a few cosmetic fixes that are only in scripts should i push those first? specifically maze game Post process, and confetti (edited)
fix it if you can haha
1:30 PM
no don't
1:30 PM
I don't want to risk any changes rn
but if have time to playtest that would be great.
am playtesting
Maybe move your changes to a branch
i found a bug that crashed mazegame and fixed i will put on branch and do a PR for u
Maybe move your changes to a branch
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@Ian doyou have time to look at that
1:36 PM
if it fixes a crash maybe we merge it
1:36 PM
I have to start packing and shower
Iโ€™ll take a look
It would be ideal if someone can verify every minigame
Workin on that too
thank you! ๐Ÿ™‡
ok so maze game is still having the problem, its only rarly tho and if it stays in rotation after getting a new passcode for 2 or 3 times. gonna look into it. not a crash but just u cant move.
Whatโ€™s the repro on it?
1:50 PM
Oh I see
enter correct pass while maze game is in rotation, make sure it stays in rotation, go try to play it (edited)
1:50 PM
try it atleast 3 times if it doesnt work right away
Yeah it just happened to me
i think it may be because mazgenerator.instance became null, but im not sure how that happens. I tried setting instance on awake to so changign channels could reset it but that didnt seem to fix
1:56 PM
i think i found it
What do you think it is?
music player might be accessing it before it finishes generating the maze
1:58 PM
ill see if it fixes
It looks to me like your player is getting stuck in turning state
maybe that is it
2:02 PM
where at? when its called from initialize?
not sure, havn't found the code, just can see the state in editor in inspector (edited)
๐Ÿ‘ 1
thats helpful thank you
so in that state, once I rotate the player a little in editor I was able to start playing again. I think if you change the > .99999f to >= .95f it might solve this
ok awesome ill try that
2:08 PM
lmk if it happens again with that change on ur end
Should I make a new build?
still testing the change
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2:14 PM
happened again, still stuck in the turning state so def the culprit. If we cant figure it out in the next couple mins we might just need to remove it from todays build
yea thats valid
2:14 PM
I have not encountered it since i chnaged the music player
2:14 PM
i think there was a race condition
2:14 PM
with the start method and the mze generator, music player was trying to access an array that maze generator was working on
kk, is that change on your branch? I can test that
2:15 PM
pushing now
just happened to me again in editor, stuck in turning state
I got one more idea, im just gonna stick a timer in turning state to kick us out if we are in it too long
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2:21 PM
just put it on your branch, gotta start testing
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are u solving the mini game or just turning once and entering the passcode to test
How's it looking
seems like its working to me
i have not gotten it to happen again
2:27 PM
i think the turn timer fixed it
2:28 PM
i also think we should keep the race condition fix I worry that comes back to bite if we dont
oh yeah for sure, if its working dont change anything
ok so did you merge?
2:29 PM
I should make a new build soon, gotta head out from my friend's house in pacifica
it should be merged now
sweet pulling and building
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Iโ€™m gonna try to play through everything once more then Iโ€™ll head to the midway
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ill keep on playin and look ofr bugs
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thanks guys
2:34 PM
@Ian they should have your name
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thanks for helping solve problem Ian glad we get to have maze game in for this play ses!
2:38 PM
good luck at the show guys
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thanks for helping solve problem Ian glad we get to have maze game in for this play ses!
Np, teamwork makes the dream work :p
โค๏ธ 1
@Mack lol can you beat the driving game?
6:35 PM
It just kept going until they drove out of the world. Not sure how to reproduce
Editor's Note:
We showed the game at Day of the Devs. You can check out some photos and videos here.
It just kept going until they drove out of the world. Not sure how to reproduce
wtf thatโ€™s crazy
11:13 PM
That has never happened for me
11:13 PM
I hope that didnโ€™t happen every time did it?
11:13 PM
I made it like 30 seconds long lol
No, only the one time. We did get a bug that if you changed channel mid jumpscare it would get stuck, but it wasnโ€™t too too bad
  • Volume ppl will turn volume off during phonograph. Still don't get it. Just make turning volume down once win
  • maze too hard. Needs clue
  • add solved text to solved games
  • interview should loop
  • elden ring time UI for power game
  • automatically go to interrogation after rescuing
  • create score board for 10 clues
  • rescue at last minute bug
  • change channel on drive right when you lose breaks it
  • rephrase Simon's "input" due to ambiguity with remote button
  • make jump scare on drive when you win. Takes too long on losing and You've seen it already
12:02 AM
12:03 AM
Show went well!
Editor's Note:
Notes from lots of demoing at Day of the Devs. ๐Ÿ‘† Somehow, we actually addressed almost everything for GDC two days later...
Lol I realize that might sound sarcastic in the context of that giant list of things to revise but it actually was good haha. These are just for the record
๐Ÿ‘ 1
At the airport now, gonna be On my way! To sf soon
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Found it
๐Ÿ”ฅ 1
@Mack what's your status
3:00 PM
@Ian got us a good table!
Editor's Note:
๐Ÿ‘† We needed a standing height or coctail style table. Luckily I found the person managing the alt.ctrl.gdc exhibition and was able to secure one and they did not charge us.

We made a little list of stuff to acquire for displaying the work, plus some last minute fixes. ๐Ÿ‘‡
@Ian got us a good table!
Oooo good going
  • buy post its
Post it notes Document stand Whiteboard? Pillow? USB extender
  • remove vol mini game
Change maze game size
2:46 PM
Distance to goal
Switch to interrogate after save
Distance to โ€ฆ?
Change input to say something else
We got all the changes in, so just testing now @Mack
There's a bug where if you change the channel during the death sequence of the drive minigame, the next time you play the drive minigame you will drive through the tv ending without actually ending the game.
Bad news - Couldnโ€™t fix the bug last night - Good news - couldnโ€™t repro the bug last night - Weird news - David didnโ€™t push his latests changes so I was technically testing โ€œoldโ€ version
๐Ÿ˜ญ 1
Editor's Note:
We showed the game at GDC for three days, and got to attend the IGF as VIPs for being finalists in the alt.ctrl.gdc category. You can check out some photos and videos here.
Back in Chicago. Hope everyone had a good last day at GDC. Thanks for making this week so awesome guys ๐Ÿ™‚
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They finally solved it guys
๐Ÿ˜ฎโ€๐Ÿ’จ 1
Editor's Note:
So concludes part 7, where we sprinted to the finish line and survived some last minute bug fixes while demonstrating the game at Day of the Devs and GDC. Thanks for reading!
End of Part 7
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