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Direct Messages
Channel: Death
Part 5: Extending the game for alt.ctrl.gdc (2/14/2024 - 3/4/2024)
Editor's Note:
Welcome to part 5! We are invited to Day of the Devs, add the baby sleep and driving minigame, and continue the overarching puzzle metagame.
@Mack Good news, was able to get you listed on the sign at GDC!
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12:39 PM
So it's official
Yay thank you David!!
1:09 PM
lol I’ll catch up on these chats in a bit
No rush, just commenting it out on my end for now but I'm getting errors from the new SaveSystem script @David
Hm it needs a that package from package manager, must have failed at pushing it or something?
Yeah thats my guess
I'll check it out in the morning out rn sorry πŸ˜”
no worries
Looks like this commit should have included the new package
10:34 AM
Next time someone is in the project, can you check if this shows up in the package manager?
10:35 AM
Maybe just need to close and reopen Unity if it's in the PM but still giving error
10:35 AM
otherwise maybe we have to like regenerate the visual studio project by deleting the CS proj and solution and reopening Unity to regen it? Something like that lol
showd up in my pull just now
Yeah it shows up in package manager for me, but I dont see like a Newtonsoft folder in the packages folder or anything. I'll try regening the cs on my end too.
Editor's Note:
I had actually not heard of Day of the Devs before, so I was initially a little skeptical. Turns out this was a big show for indie game developers. It's interesting how both Ian and I have tried hard to get access to shows like this while working on marketing indie games, but doors kept opening for this game that we have no plans to sell.
Hey so we just got invited to another cool sounding show, but the details are kind of opaque, getting more info:
10:20 AM
Donate to the non-profit fundraiser now!
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10:20 AM
A wild production / curation / installation studio, specialising in videogames and interactive things.
I guess Double Fine is involved with it as well.
Oh shit Day of the Devs, we tried to get Cosmos in a couple times but we were never cool enough. (edited)
11:10 AM
They just message you out of the blue?
11:21 AM
I guess we just weren't making fucked up enough stuff lol
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lol apparently
Editor's Note:
This is the "red light, green light" "sleep" minigame. The player presses the sleep button on the remote when the baby is sleeping. Ian told me it was inspired by a book for new parents he saw when visiting a family member.
I guess we just weren't making fucked up enough stuff lol
Good news though, new minigame is getting pretty weird.
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loll thats sick
haha hilarious
Editor's Note:
Below are some key design moves for the driving minigame.
I have an idea for driving minigame - curious on thoughts

Driving Minigame

into the dead style gameplay 2 and 6 to steer left and right. Car moves down a creepy road, scary sillouhettes patrol the road, you must steer to avoid. If you hit one, restart. Eventually you start passing road signs with the number on them. Extra if in scope: CLues are more complicated (like math equation or logic puzzle), need to stop and write them down. While stopped figures come towards your car, if they reach your car you lose. + and - to stop or accelerate.
Heh I wanted ot do a driving game
lol u can i can think of another
no would rather hve you do it
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12:00 PM
I have my hands full w/ the other junk
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12:00 PM
never seen this game that's interesting (edited)
12:00 PM
Let me show you the vibe I wanted
12:00 PM
no time now tho
Kk I’ll look out for it later
One issue, in that video they get an upgrade chest which changes their minigun into a shotgun, that is such a downgrade!!!!!
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So true
Wow, this is a big deal, that event is really popular
Good news though, new minigame is getting pretty weird.
This is awesome
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Let me show you the vibe I wanted
Should make it David Lynchian
Ha yeah Im planning on sharing some stuff from last twin peaks and the fog
@Mack so I think driving game should be first person inside car dashboard/ windshield view
4:14 PM
In this doc are 2 links
4:15 PM
4:15 PM
I'm afk but hopefully that works.
4:16 PM
Open to taking it other directions, but I like how the limited visibility here creates atmosphere and potential for scary pedestrians you either need to last minute avoid... Or hit?
Yep i looked at those lol that was inspiration for the idea. Will do!
4:20 PM
Maybe there is a special one u need to hit
Yeah I think if we could make something that looks like this it would be sick
1:37 PM
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1:38 PM
It might be that you only implement steer left and steer right controls and the player can't go off road.
1:38 PM
or turn around
1:39 PM
they are just always moving forward
1:39 PM
But idk.
1:39 PM
play around w/ it. Just remember that the controls are going to be more awkward in real life on the remote
Editor's Note:
Here is an art pass on the mockup I made earlier. πŸ‘‡ The general workflow I use is game designer creates mock screenshot / wireframe. Artist creates a style test mockup with better looking graphic design. Then when we agree on the vision the individual art assets that compose the screen are chopped up and exported and a developer implements them in the game engine to match the latest art mockup.

Seeing the computer monitor design motif here made me thing about new ideas, like using the remote's "power" button to turn on the display shown in the game world.
here is an updated scoring screen
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ooo, lookin nice
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So maybe part of the "trick" to this is the channel starts with the monitor off, put if you hit "power" it turns on? (edited)
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here is an updated scoring screen
what is the font?
It might be that you only implement steer left and steer right controls and the player can't go off road.
thats what i was planning on doing lol
play around w/ it. Just remember that the controls are going to be more awkward in real life on the remote
I agree I think its bassicly just temple run, but a little slower cuz jank contorls (edited)
Cool. I'd just say triangulate between what's fun for you and what you have time for πŸ˜‰
what is the font?
placeholder, was going to ask if we have a readable computer style font already in the project?
We have the vcr font we use for the channel numbers (edited)
4:12 PM
4:12 PM
and the font we have been using for the little messages the killer sends:
cool, I'll see what these look like, I don't want to overload the project with a bunch of font files
Here are the font files if you want to use them outside of Unity
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4:18 PM
We can add another font if you want but if you like one of these that's cool too
here is an updated scoring screen
What do you think about making a simple model for the montitor and putting a world space canvas on it? (edited)
8:29 PM
or using one we can find
8:30 PM
I guess it doesn't really matter but that's a possibility.
Editor's Note:
Also, looking at the art mockup made me start thinking more specifically about details related to this sequence. Should the conveyor belt based time limit stop when the player is interacting with the quiz? There were technical and design considerations. What happens if the player tries to change the channel during this quiz sequence?
So I'm thinking when they start the final quiz overarching puzzle thing, we pause the main conveyor belt and don't let them change channels until they win or fail and get locked out.
8:52 PM
We can warn them before they start to not start unless they're ready
8:52 PM
and not show the first question until they confirm
Editor's Note:
I wanted the questions to be subjective, so that the only way the player could know the answer was by rescuing victims. Brute forcing would be possible, but unlikely since there are eight choices and the player can only attempt a guess every 5 minutes (they are temporarilly locked out after an incorrect guess). You can see the first quiz question I wrote as a proof of concept / development test. πŸ‘‡
Ok, I have to quit for now but I am starting to get the structure of the overarching puzzle and save system in place.
9:08 PM
There is a scriptable object class for puzzle questions. We can make them and fill them out in the editor.
9:08 PM
9:08 PM
The correct answer will be chosen at runtime when we initialize a new save game file.
9:09 PM
The clue given for the question will correspond with the index of the chosen correct answer.
9:09 PM
For revealing the clues, I'm thinking we make it seem like police detectives interviewed the victim (edited)
9:10 PM
Editor's Note:
I wanted to come up with something more interesting to have happen after a victim is rescued. I wanted something gratifying for the player (in the initial prototype, the rescued NPC just vanished and a new victim appeared shortly after). But we also needed something that connected to our new gameplay concept of each rescued victim contributing to solving the overarching puzzle. And I also wanted something that helped reinforce the narrative concept that these NPCs were actually being rescued. What would happen to them next after being rescued from a kidnapping? How would they react?
Which could either be like a police office scene
9:12 PM
or something like this
9:13 PM
If we did the police station scene, it would be neat to have a couple lines of dialog, but I'm not sure how we'd want to show that to the player.
9:14 PM
so maybe it makes more sense like the above screenshot
9:14 PM
But I did think it would be fun to have this randomized second line of dialog. So it would be like the clue, then something like:
9:15 PM
9:16 PM
Also, LMK if you think this type of clue is too cryptic:
9:17 PM
Keep in mind player would not know what clue is for what question and the questions would not likely be presented in the order the clues were found.
I think the clues seem straight forward enough. If we want to really hammer it home we could add color to the keyword. Stopping conveyor once in guessing seems good, I think if they change channel it is fine to auto fail but most likely doesnt really matter if you just want to lock it.
2:15 AM
Just uploaded RedLight GreenLight channel prefab. Space is sleep for now. Not sure if it is exciting enough with no fail state, so let me know what folks think.
2:16 AM
@David you want me to set up the channel randomizer? Seems like you got plenty too do and I feel like I can help in with some of the less exciting stuff if you want time to do another minigame.
I think I'm going to focus on making the rescue sequence / clue reveal as my "fun" thing
@David you want me to set up the channel randomizer? Seems like you got plenty too do and I feel like I can help in with some of the less exciting stuff if you want time to do another minigame.
Would love for someone to tackle that but I'm trying to think about if there is any likelihood of it being complicated by me working on some of these other central systems like saving and the overarching puzzle.
12:43 PM
Do we want to save the current passcode and minigames states? Or is it OK to wipe out any progress on that if we have to reset the game? (edited)
I feel like its not a big deal to wipe that stuff, but if we did want to save its just a couple of lists. I could even just jam it in playerprefs if we want to keep separate work streams.
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Editor's Note:
Here is a key design move where we navigate how to deal with more than four minigames. Giving each minigame its own channel ended up facilitating the printed TV guide and allowing us to leave in-theme clues in the physical print medium. We initially decided to leave channels that weren't involved in the current passcode blank with static, but after playtesting we just cut inactive channels from the list to streamline the experience as players were spending too much time looking for clues that didn't exist.
cool well let's start w/ just not saving it
1:31 PM
So, how do we feel about all of the minigames having a designated channel number that never changes
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1:32 PM
but when that minigame is not active, the little suit icon isn't present and instead of the normal minigame there is some random content
1:32 PM
well not necessarily random
1:32 PM
I just meant like, particular content that fits the vibe of the game, like public domain video
1:32 PM
emulating TV
1:33 PM
so that way hunting through the channels is more of a game
1:33 PM
We could even come up with themes for the channels if we wanted
yeah make sense to me, we just got have short/low res clips so we dont bloat up the file size too much
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which we could play w/ on any kind of printed TV guide concept
1:34 PM
I would like to come up with call signs for each of the channels
1:34 PM
like, WTTW etc
1:34 PM
Broadcast call signs are call signs assigned as unique identifiers to radio stations and television stations. While broadcast radio stations will often brand themselves with plain-text names, identities such as "cool FM", "rock 105" or "the ABC network" are not globally unique. Another station in another city or country may (and often will) have...
1:34 PM
1:35 PM
We could even come up with themes for the channels if we wanted
I like this
1:35 PM
I feel like that would add a cool layer of depth
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loading from the scriptable objects
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1:44 PM
I think I need to look into what's going on w/ the keyboard input on the passcode entry
david r u able to do any playtesting of minigames on the TV before gdc? I think the car one will need it
Yeah we will definitely do that.
7:33 PM
I wouldn't mind trying to go back to consignment lounge
7:33 PM
@Mack are you 21?
7:33 PM
never been to consignment lounge, sounds cool
Just uploaded RedLight GreenLight channel prefab. Space is sleep for now. Not sure if it is exciting enough with no fail state, so let me know what folks think.
Hey I'm not seeing this, did you push it?
Ah, my bad, my git is rusty, didnt actually push. Uploading now.
Editor's Note:
Key design moves on the driving minigame, wherein we navigate the tension between "fun" and "horror" πŸ‘‡
should I keep it free movment, or make it snap to lanes like subway surfers
8:15 PM
oh oops
8:15 PM
i meant mp
8:15 PM
8:18 PM
That's a hard question
8:19 PM
I think I'd like to try "free"
8:20 PM
Can you try putting trees along the side of the road?
8:21 PM
Probably also need fog, which is a lighting setting I think. Might effect the whole scene, which is every channel...
8:21 PM
Not sure how to deal w/ that.
8:21 PM
Great progress btw
8:22 PM
I guess a lot depends on the identity of the minigame
8:22 PM
like, are we going for fast and frenetic action?
8:22 PM
I kind of think it should be slow and then all of a sudden there is a thing you have to dodge
8:22 PM
Maybe it runs across the street
8:23 PM
I do like the creepy deer thing though lol
8:23 PM
I think my vision for this is not the most fun vision
8:24 PM
8:24 PM
I just think the most fun version isn't scary
yea lets go for scary
I think if you want it to feel scary it has to be more methodical
8:24 PM
build suspense
i can do something liek that
then surprise them
good idea
you could also do occasional cars coming the opposite direction as they would in real life
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8:25 PM
so if you choose to drive in the wrong lane it feels risky I guess
8:26 PM
It might be the turning is a little too good / responsive too IDK
yea i can add an acceleration to the tunring
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I think you can speed it up too
8:27 PM
like maybe 25%
8:27 PM
ill try ity
IDK, these are just ideas I don't know if they are right haha
8:33 PM
Yeah idk maybe your speed it good honestly
8:33 PM
We can try to depth of field blur the stuff inside the car close to the camera
8:34 PM
Here's the scene from The Fog (or part of it)
8:34 PM
I think that's where my trees are coming from lol
8:35 PM
but things near the edges of the screen are good for driving sensation
guys I'm sorry I wrote code that changes that covnveyor belt material every time you hit play
8:44 PM
i keep getting that in the git changes
I think it can be done w/out that but I forget the details
i jsut discard
yeah one extra step that is annoying
its chill i just was confused
a script edits the UVs to make the belt look like it's moving
8:45 PM
but I think that can be done w/out writing to the .mat
8:45 PM
I think maybe generate a material copy at runtime and use that? idk. at one point I thought about it but now I forget.
8:46 PM
I'm going to commit a fix to main scene which I broke
it's in
i dont think its worth the effort to fix the belt issue lol (edited)
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Editor's Note:
Design questions regarding how difficult the minigames should be. Through playtesting at in-person events, we kept making things easier. That was the right answer for this context. If we made the game for home play, I think players might have more tolerance to fail and try again. But really the point of this game is to use the remote and the old fashioned TV and make a small, quick contribution to the bigger puzzle before moving on.
@Ian played baby game very cool
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8:51 PM
I think it's OK that it's not challenging but idk.
8:51 PM
the challenge is thinking to press sleep
8:52 PM
Also I think this is the remote code for sleep:
8:52 PM
I forget how that works exactly
anybody have an asset pack with psx trees or something similar? (edited)
9:40 PM
i cant find any that work with URP
9:44 PM
also is the baby game in main scene? i cant find it
I had to add prefab to the scene manually to test it
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i love the number in the eyes at the end
11:08 PM
so cool
I liked that too
11:09 PM
@Mack if you have it added in main scene I say commit it
oh i just deleted
Haha ok nm
found some trees that work. I think ill do this one as a built out a level, but there are some procedurally placed figures to avoid. (there wont be so many as the video, and theyll increase the further along you get.) and then maybe there are clues to a logic puzzle, or maybe its just the number on the sides of the road. I found some weird TV models so I think ill have those peeking out of the trees and they will display the number or a clue. If its a clue could be cool because someone might have to write it down or keep track while another drives or you have to multi-task. I have to make a creepy death sequence though for if you crash, I was thinking the car stops and the figure u hit slowly approaches the camera and it fades into static. (bassicly slenderman death If you make it to the end, im not sure if the player should still die or if they just park and see the number or final clue, or the road just restarts. Idk let me know thoughts when u get a chance.
Also should I shoot for this one to be about 1-2 minutes as well?
Also should I shoot for this one to be about 1-2 minutes as well?
I was more scared of maze frustration than I am of this
9:05 AM
I think we can go a little longer than maze, but see how it feels
9:06 AM
So maybe 1-3 or so but again, see where it takes you. If it holds ppls attention it's good (edited)
Editor's Note:
πŸ‘† In retrospect there's no way this should have been 3 minutes. Once again, we would need to continue to make minigames shorter and shorter after witnessing some painful playtests. πŸ˜‚

We never really used the related sign post idea or the radio. But I think they are interesting. πŸ‘‡
found some trees that work. I think ill do this one as a built out a level, but there are some procedurally placed figures to avoid. (there wont be so many as the video, and theyll increase the further along you get.) and then maybe there are clues to a logic puzzle, or maybe its just the number on the sides of the road. I found some weird TV models so I think ill have those peeking out of the trees and they will display the number or a clue. If its a clue could be cool because someone might have to write it down or keep track while another drives or you have to multi-task. I have to make a creepy death sequence though for if you crash, I was thinking the car stops and the figure u hit slowly approaches the camera and it fades into static. (bassicly slenderman death If you make it to the end, im not sure if the player should still die or if they just park and see the number or final clue, or the road just restarts. Idk let me know thoughts when u get a chance.
Sounds good to me, have fun with it!
9:11 AM
I really like the spectator teamwork premise but once they see the number they don't need to "win" any more so no real incentive to continue. We can't change the number. But I guess it could be like a math problem or something that requires multiple clues? Like first sign is 4 then plus symbol then last a 2 or something? (edited)
9:11 AM
Idk, could be hard
9:12 AM
And something like this we can't remember their progress and start them at the answer like the others
9:14 AM
Maybe you give them an assessment at the end and can save that, like they have to answer the number at the end and if they get it right it saves that they are at the end with the correct answer there
9:14 AM
Haha this is making me think about those weird Midwestern interstate sign series like farmers put up about Jesus
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9:14 AM
That could be a cool idea
9:16 AM
No idea if you know what I'm talking about I'll try to find a reference lol
9:31 AM
Hard to find examples but hopefully this gets the concept across lol
9:31 AM
Doesn't need to be math could be whatever messages you need to collectively understand
9:32 AM
Idk how you enter / submit it though at the end that feels connected to the experience (edited)
No idea if you know what I'm talking about I'll try to find a reference lol
I deffinitly know what you are talking aboutπŸ˜‚
Maybe use the radio in the car?
Oh that would be sick
That's getting complicated but there's possibilities if you have time
9:34 AM
Can also just be get to the end see the number lol
Yea maybe I’ll start with that
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I guess if you did math it doesn't need a submission they just remember it but math isn't super immersive idk
I guess if you did math it doesn't need a submission they just remember it but math isn't super immersive idk
agree, maybe a logic puzzle? and no submission u just have to know?
you're in the driver's seat πŸ€“πŸ˜‚
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good one
11:29 AM
ill see what i can come up with
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oh no another ever-changing material! πŸ˜‚ (edited)
oh no! I am shamed ;P I should be able to change that next time in the project
what is the solution? making a temporary copy and changing / using that?
1:00 PM
if you figure it out / remember lmk we can prob fix the original sin
So im just changing the values on the actual material but what I should be doing is grabbing the instance material on the object at runtime and changing that.
yeah that's the exact problem of the other material
1:02 PM
when you change it send me the line number / file and I will use that approach on the other mat
peace will be restored to the realm of channel death
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Editor's Note:
Never had time for this, but I love the idea of putting more video content in. It would have been great to record some live action stuff! πŸ‘‡
I was just thinking we could put some videos of our other projects in for the filler segments, or videos about big sir / night city, like I have videos from events
1:06 PM
then I was thinking it could be funny to put videos of channel death itself in there lol
1:06 PM
@Mike we should put your grimmace shake video in
lol its would be a bit of tonal shift (at least for my stuff) but that could be funny. We actually had a TV in Cosmos that had a bunch of fake commercials/QVC shopping/Lotto numbers that were all reeeeeeeal strange (edited)
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part of a weird video me and some friends made in high school (edited)
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Let's use it!
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i can make it loop better
2:22 PM
theres also a part where we smash an old iphone
2:22 PM
ill thow that in there
haha I also have some video footage of destroying things from high school but sadly it's not in a digital format
2:23 PM
u could record it on the crt
2:23 PM
like a video of a video
2:23 PM
that would be sick
Ha well I would have to figure out how to play it back to begin with
I think I have a vcr in the basement. But I think the footage is on those weird small tapes that you would use in old camcorders
ohhh dang
2:24 PM
havnt seen one of those in ages
How do we feel about not allowing the channel change for a short time, is that a nono?
10:44 PM
For the driving game I use coroutines in a few places, changing channels can get the game frozen if coroutine returns while object inactive. maybe i just create a manual timer in fixed update. I was also thinking of just resetting the game when the channels change but the player might miss some stuff then. So maybe ill make manual timers (edited)
I believe all the other minigames fully reset when you change channels and haven't beaten them, so I think the driving one most likely should too. I would imagine you just jam a StopAllCoroutines and then do a proper reset somewhere like OnDisable or something. No matter what, I don't think we should drop expected functionality especially when the controller is not 100% reliable to begin with ;P
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cool i figured thats the way to go. Ill make it reset to keep it consistent, thank you for the advice (edited)
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Editor's Note:
We ended up discovering several bugs related to coroutines getting screwed up if the player changed the channel at the wrong time. I think we ultimately fixed them by the middle of GDC.
Does anyone have changes on main scene or would I be okay to push?
cool i figured thats the way to go. Ill make it reset to keep it consistent, thank you for the advice (edited)
There's also onchannenentered / exited unity events in the channel script you can hook up in the editor if that helps for resetting
There's also onchannenentered / exited unity events in the channel script you can hook up in the editor if that helps for resetting
Ye i used those
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I will push
10:29 AM
I think car game is ready for playtest
I think car game is ready for playtest
Just tried it (on steamdeck linux unity no less lol)
6:11 PM
Really nice job w/ the aesthetic
I think we just need to make it easier, especially for the remote
I think we just need to make it easier, especially for the remote
That’s easy
6:12 PM
6:13 PM
Anyway, my advice is make steering slightly faster, let the player drive a little farther before the first deer
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6:14 PM
and then probably make the obstacle course itself slightly easier. I think you should have bigger space between deer for longer before adding a bunch (edited)
Cool thansk for feedback I’ll tweak the parameters!
don't overcorrect, it's closer than maybe I made it sound
but I would say we will have to play on remote to know for sure
but I would say we will have to play on remote to know for sure
6:15 PM
I’d also really love to hear how the game sounds on those old CRT’s to mix the audio better for GDC
I’d also really love to hear how the game sounds on those old CRT’s to mix the audio better for GDC
We have never actually tried using TV sound
6:18 PM
only headphones so far.
Do we maybe want speakers for GDC? Not sure if that’s allowed
6:19 PM
But like classic arcade mentallity use the sound to reel people in lol
I think it would be cool, I know @Ian is skeptical, but also, how do we get them there. I guess Charlie could proably help with that too (our friend from Apple who is a sound designer, I'm sure he has stuff)
6:20 PM
I wonder how things are secured after hours
6:20 PM
at other shows we've done for school we've locked stuff
6:20 PM
but I don't have that kind of stuff. I could try to figure it out I guess
Just like cable locks? Don’t we use those at manifest? Maybe could borrow some?
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Not sure how they would loop around everything but we could start thinking about it
I think it would be cool, I know @Ian is skeptical, but also, how do we get them there. I guess Charlie could proably help with that too (our friend from Apple who is a sound designer, I'm sure he has stuff)
Oh I'm sure we can have speakers, it just size/how loud they have to be to convey important stuff vs headphones vs changing minigames to not need sound as much.
Yeah I think there is a legit concern that the audio is annoying after a while
6:22 PM
like the saw lol
True, we can always try mixing the annoying stuff down a lot
We could write some code where it is really quiet after a period of inactivity
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There’s also the option of having speakers and headphones hooked up
6:22 PM
That players can choose
We could write some code where it is really quiet after a period of inactivity
I think we deffinitly do this as well as just push down some potentially annoying unimportant sounds in the mix (edited)
I don't think we have a mixer setup rn
In unity?
That’s easy
6:24 PM
I can deal with that
6:24 PM
If needed
I'm open to it if you have time
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From past conventions, I can tell you no one is reducing the sound for annoyance, they just blast it.
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I will def bring headphones
From past conventions, I can tell you no one is reducing the sound for annoyance, they just blast it.
Good to know. I think this is a valid approach, the only people who would be there long enough to get annoyed is probobly us lol (edited)
If anything, having a trailer playing with sound and then headphones the actual player is pretty common setup
But we can see if Charlie has a solution for speakers
πŸ‘ 1
6:25 PM
Then we can have flexibility
6:26 PM
I feel bad I am staying with them, he got us TVs, and going to ask for speakers haha
πŸ˜‚ 1
6:26 PM
he can say no if he wants πŸ˜‰
He’s a good friend
6:27 PM
6:27 PM
Speakers shouldn’t be as hard to find
6:27 PM
As CRT’s anyways
6:27 PM
So that’s a plus
πŸ‘ 1
I have medium sized speakers I could bring in a checked bag if need be.
I have this thing from school we could bring (bottom middle)
6:29 PM
but I don't want to bring it lol
That’s decent, might be hard to fit in the bag
6:29 PM
I have a lot of traveling I'm doing
6:29 PM
so it would drag on me bad
Agree, i think we try to find some there
πŸ‘ 1
@Mack I wonder if it would be cool to have tiny emissive material for the two eyes on the deer?
6:51 PM
You would see them a little farther but they wouldn't really be light sources
Yea I can add that
6:51 PM
That would be cool
I'm not sure if it would be good or bad
I’ll try it
7:13 PM
Lol should we schedule some press meetings πŸ€£πŸ˜…
Editor's Note:
We should have scheduled press meetings. I kind of thought reporters would be bored waiting for the show to start in the press only period, I did not realize there would be more games there than someone could reasonably play!
That’s perfect, you have already been on the news to talk about fnafπŸ˜‚ ur kindof a horror game guru to the media at this point
8:01 PM
Mack I'm gonna need you to create some talking points
πŸ˜‚ 1
Lol fyi I'm just kidding. But if you started talking points we'll use em haha
I got some small UI updates in the game, I added the stuff I did up above with the kill count name screen
6:55 PM
I adjusted the Scan and Zoom UI for the camera hunt game on "webcamTest" - but I don't think it's updating when you run it from the MainScene, is there somewhere else I should update? (edited)
Update the prefabs
7:09 PM
You can right click on a changed element in the scene inspector and hit apply to prefab. Just don't apply all the changes unless you know what they are and want them
πŸ‘ 1
@Mack tested maze on remote. works well
5:53 PM
tested driving on remote, doesn't seem to have correct button mapping
5:53 PM
I am thinking, in addition to supporting the number pad as a makeshift WASD, maybe for this one you do the little Up and Down arrow as well for turning
Oh shoot I’ll look
5:54 PM
I think i did 2 and 4 lol it should be 6 and 8
5:54 PM
How did it steer tho? Was it too laggy?
5:54 PM
Or delayed i should say
I couldn't get it to move
5:54 PM
I can try 2 and 4
5:55 PM
Yeah I can't get any button to do anything
5:56 PM
WASD works but no remote buttons are working
5:56 PM
maybe I need to test in the main scene
5:56 PM
and not the driving test scene
Okay I’ll look at the mappings
5:56 PM
Ok if u can yea lmk if it works in main
ok, it works in main
5:58 PM
but it needs some type of adjustment.
5:58 PM
The steering wheel turns, but the car doesn't really turn
5:58 PM
I'll make a video
Okay cool
I'm trying to figure out how to show you the way it's reading the input
6:02 PM
so you can compare that with the onscreen action
6:02 PM
but I am not having luck
6:02 PM
Can look more into it later.
There is an input debugger but I can't figure out how to make it show what's happening on the remote
6:03 PM
@Ian might have ideas
Can u describe behavior?
6:05 PM
ok so you can see me holding '6' down and moving correctly to the right (edited)
6:06 PM
but then I try holding '4' down
6:06 PM
and the wheel seems to move
6:06 PM
but the care doesn't steer left
Hm ok I’ll look into
ha now I just tried it and it worked...
6:07 PM
Idk what to say
6:07 PM
So it should be like u press a direction, then let go and it stops turning?
You probably will just have to try it w/ the remote
6:08 PM
but regardless, I think it means the course is going to need to be pretty easy
Okay that’s easy to adjust
because we may not be able to assure that the controls are super responsive
Was there a lot of delay?
the other thing is, I say support the "L / - " and "R / + " inputs I highlighted here in addition to the numbers
πŸ‘ 1
Was there a lot of delay?
I don't think it's delay it's like how often the input is being read as being pressed or held
Okay cool
I would say don't try to adjust the timing of the input unless we have the remote around
πŸ‘ 1
6:11 PM
for you
Okay cool
What is your availability thursdays? I saw you were at school last week
6:11 PM
we could also mess w/ it friday I guess
I work all day :/
6:12 PM
Friday would be better i think
but I don't want to short change your actual school projects
No it’s all good
Editor's Note:
Thought about omitting this part since it's not about Channel: Death. But I left it as evidence I was advising my student to prioritize their own work and not this project ;)
make sure you submit apocolypse train to that gamebiites thing
6:12 PM
that should be priority 1 next week
πŸ‘ 1
I will, getting UI stuff in then gonna make a vid
πŸ‘ 1
6:13 PM
I think the deadline is next Friday right?
end of day friday
Or this Friday
6:13 PM
I'd say have it done before leaving class
πŸ‘ 1
6:13 PM
to be safe
6:13 PM
Should we do debugging tv remote after class at ur place?
6:13 PM
Or were u saying u want to bring it to school
I'll bring it
πŸ‘ 1
6:54 PM
I think we need some changes to this asset:
6:54 PM
1. Make the part that isn't the monitor (the black background) transparent (or crop it out I guess ) (edited)
6:55 PM
2. Make the UI elements on the right (I think that was going to be lives) and bottom (what question you are on/ progress) separate art assets (edited)
6:56 PM
3. any other changes you might want now that you have seen what it looks like in-engine (the screenshot is in-engine).
6:56 PM
I guess we should see how legible it is on the tV
6:56 PM
Do you want this font or a different one? (edited)
making some progress
7:49 PM
will make it say "Correct" or "incorrect" next
7:50 PM
I got the majority of new channel randomizer ready. I have to lightly touch a lot of things (main scene, minigame channel prefabs, minigame scripts, etc) so just want to make sure that is cool with folks and there is no stuff that along those lines that folks are in middle of. Will upload sometime tomorrow if I get the clear from everyone πŸ‘
Sweet! I'm working on the overarching puzzle thing mainly, all my stuff is checked in but I'm going to work more this morning
8:43 AM
I won't leave any changed files uncommitted so go for it
8:44 AM
I think it's best to just merge it sooner than later.
All good on my end!
Editor's Note:
I used LeanTween heavily for this to try and add some visual interest to a sequence (text quiz) that is not intrinsically engaging.
Looking real slick. Part of me wants the wrong to be in like red or something to really stand out but my guess is that its fine as it is.
Oh, yeah it was supposed to be red
1:21 PM
thanks for reminding me!
lol mind meld
πŸ˜‚ 1
1:23 PM
Just pushed a bunch of stuff. 4 minigames are active at a time, suits randomly assigned. On passcode complete, 1 of those minigames are subbed out for another. Minigames that arent currently active are replaced with a static tv channel. Couldn't fully test it because we are still setting up proper reset on some of the minigames, but the majority of it confirmed working.
πŸ‘ 2
What are the minigames that need a reset?
1:24 PM
We could make like an interface with a required Reset() function (edited)
@Mack For your minigames we need to reset them when a person is saved. I can get in there and set it up if ya want, or if you want to take a crack at it I recommend just subscribing to the PasscodeManager.NewPasscodeSet event to trigger whatever needs to be done.
πŸ‘ 1
What are the minigames that need a reset?
Mack's. I don't think we ever explained how we were doin it.
I don't remember how we were doing it either haha
Can you fill @Mack in on what's missing?
Click to see attachment πŸ–ΌοΈ
Thinking about this, I figure on a terminal like this you probably couldn't scale things. Oh well 😜
Yeah sure, thats what I was hinting at above. Just subscribe to that event (PasscodeManager.NewPasscodeSet) and then do whatever you need to reset the minigame (ie. turning of completeminigame bools or w/es). You can see how I set up mine in the awake method of RedLightController
when you change it send me the line number / file and I will use that approach on the other mat
In awake of redlightcontroller you can see how I'm grabbing the instanced material on the objects instead of using the base material now.
πŸ‘ 1
lol OK I think I fixed it πŸ€žπŸ˜…
🀞 1
@Mack For your minigames we need to reset them when a person is saved. I can get in there and set it up if ya want, or if you want to take a crack at it I recommend just subscribing to the PasscodeManager.NewPasscodeSet event to trigger whatever needs to be done.
I can set this up
7:51 PM
I also do not have the actual numbers hooked up with passcode for my minigames yet but I will look at that too.
I also do not have the actual numbers hooked up with passcode for my minigames yet but I will look at that too.
I got them hooked up πŸ‘
πŸ‘ 1
7:56 PM
But change as you will, the drive game I think I just stuck some text over the tvs for now.
7:58 PM
Also, I added in the top left icons, but I had to switch the the canvas to screen space to get them to show up with your cams, but we lose the channel change effect so that might be worth looking into figuring how to get them back to world space.
@Mack I think @Mike had a font idea for the driving game
I got them hooked up πŸ‘
Also, I added in the top left icons, but I had to switch the the canvas to screen space to get them to show up with your cams, but we lose the channel change effect so that might be worth looking into figuring how to get them back to world space.
Ok I’ll check this out
Editor's Note:
Below you can see a good video of a first pass at the quiz feature. We wanted to encourage players to write clues down on physical notes.
4:19 PM
Ok, I have 10 questions implemented.
4:20 PM
You can kind of see how they relate to the clues (which change each playthrough) by looking at the console window
4:20 PM
Whether or not this is too hard or easy is anyone's guess.
4:21 PM
But I think if people write things down, and we show the clues periodically on some channel, and not ONLY after rescuing people, that would help.
4:21 PM
Editor's Note:
Some key design moves for the clue reveal / interrogation sequence, where the player learns a clue after rescuing an NPC. πŸ‘‡
I have an idea for the clue reveal sequence to be like a police station detective interview with closed captioning
4:21 PM
so you won't hear what they're saying but you'll be able to read it
4:22 PM
Formatted kind of like this old fashioned look:
4:23 PM
with the black bar and the font, which we basically are already using
4:24 PM
I also still have to implement the locking out, the ending, and a few other odds and ends
Nice, looking good! I kinda think the time related ones need to not be associated with a min, there is too much likelyhood that people could accidently get them right. Having to do them exactly at a min mark, have to have specific numbers in the clock (0 & 5), or the answer is what ever the second mark is on could all be something.
4:33 PM
Live action with the subtitles is very smart
Nice, looking good! I kinda think the time related ones need to not be associated with a min, there is too much likelyhood that people could accidently get them right. Having to do them exactly at a min mark, have to have specific numbers in the clock (0 & 5), or the answer is what ever the second mark is on could all be something.
I think we should look at it playtesting. I hear you about the 50/50 thing, but I think making them wait more than a minute for the right time could feel bad, and then I also worry about 'to the second' precision with our input. Maybe to the second is safe? I think with 0 lives and a lockout there isn't too much risk of guessing all 10 right.
4:38 PM
but I don't think we'll know w/out trying it
4:38 PM
I want to try and schedule a busier time at consignment lounge
yeah thats fair
I'm trying to decide on using real footage and like blurring out the people so it can be reused a lot (and the original ppl can't be identified), or recreating a similar scene in Unity
4:46 PM
The main problem with real footage is the stuff I can find seems pretty controversial. Like notorious criminals / police involved in killing unarmed black people, etc. I feel like if anyone were to recognize it they might be offended
4:47 PM
But that's the type of scene I want
Hmm I was thinking you were just talking like random b-roll stuff, def don't think we should put anything like real real in there.
Then I can fake it
πŸ‘ 1
4:48 PM
I'll still probably blur the characters out even though they'll just be mixamo models lol
πŸ‘ 1
Let's try this font for the Driving mini game
❀️ 1
Let's try this font for the Driving mini game
inspired by AW2 chapter titles - use the color hex value #fff8e7 (edited)
6:52 PM
213.61 KB
@Mack can you implement that at some point?
6:59 PM
I’m gonna do some sound stuff to this weekend
πŸ’― 2
Do you want this font or a different one? (edited)
This font looks good to me, might want to decrease the size a bit, but maybe not for readability on the CRT. These assets have been added as separate UI elements, located in a updates folder on the kill count ui
This font looks good to me, might want to decrease the size a bit, but maybe not for readability on the CRT. These assets have been added as separate UI elements, located in a updates folder on the kill count ui
Thanks! One more thing to think about: do you have time for the printed channel guide?
7:16 PM
I think I can use it for some puzzle stuff if it just lists the call signs of the stations and says what channel they are on.
7:16 PM
I guess maybe we need to list them all out in a doc
7:17 PM
Then just make it look cool and on-theme and any other ways we can get value out of it
I was thinking about that today, I think I do, I’ll work on it this weekend - yeah if someone can add info to a doc that would be super helpful
I might go in and polish up the mini games this weekend to. I think I want the creature to walk out of the darkness in the maze rather then just appear for the jumpscare.
1:20 AM
And if u guys have any places u think need sound let me know, So far I got the webcam game, The saw kill audio, I might design some of that tv ui stuff as well with the guessing the final answers.
πŸ’― 1
Yeah I say just play and add what you think would improve things
Editor's Note:
I was thinking about how to make the volume minigame easier to understand if you couldn't hear it, which was an issue at some of our exhibitions. We ultimately cut the volume minigame because we could never solve the usability issues. That made me sad because I designed it to resemble how I actually watch TV (muting commercials) and I thought it had an interesting commentary. I also used TV remote buttons (volume, mute) that no other games did. But the minigame was a burden during shows. Something to revisit if we ever spent more time on the game.
does anyone object to using an AI generated art asset? I guess if I use it I will just attribute it in the external assets list on itch. But open to other ideas. (edited)
10:48 AM
I'm was going to try and use some vials for the volume minigame
10:49 AM
one fills up when you're doing good (volume up at correct time) and one fills up when you're doing bad (volume up at incorrect time)
10:49 AM
since we decided it needs visual feedback due to no one listening
10:49 AM
/ general confusion
10:50 AM
10:50 AM
diablo style
I don’t really care to much but I’m not an artist
modifiedInstanceMaterial = renderersToUpdateMaterial[0].materials[0]; (line 19) this line crashes the game. I just threw in a length check for now. was something supposed to be assigned to this field? (edited)
My guess is that it was posed to be the conveyor belt, but thats David's stuff so idk for sure.
Yeah there's 3 models that go in there. I guess I updated the test scene and not main scene
All good I’ll throw the ones that make the changes in there
Editor's Note:
Some design moves regarding the printed TV guide between here and the end of part 5. We wanted to incorporate cross references between the digital game and the printed guide. The reference I could think of was Meryl's codec address in Metal Gear Solid. Ultimately we ended up using it for narrative flavor and hints to some of the minigames. πŸ‘‡
Here is a template that we can easily change and shuffle around depending on what content we want to add, it's in a vector format right now. The final version will have a faded texture added over it to match the bottom image. Is there something on the back? It would be cool to get it lamented so people could use sharpies on it.
πŸ’― 2
Do you think we should use the channel death logo here or is that breaking the 4th wall and diminishing immersion?
anyone have changes locally rn or am i good to push? I played with some sound stuff and polished up the 2 minigames i did.
3:06 PM
im not sure if the webcam game audio is worth implementing bc I would have to rewrite the control system. What should I try to focus on? Anohter minigame? Polish to what we have? Something else?
Editor's Note:
Genesis of the "enter" doorway minigame. Here you can see how we finally started to acknowledge how simple these minigames should be. πŸ‘‡
If you have an idea for an easy minigame go for it.
3:10 PM
Can you think of something that would use the printed tv guide in some way?
3:10 PM
It's ok if it's mega simple I think. Like my wario ware esc concept of just figuring out which button on the remote to press
3:11 PM
I like the idea of a resident evil doorway in black background and you just press enter
3:11 PM
It opens and moves cam through just like PS1 resident evil and you see the number
3:12 PM
And that's it
lol okay, yea that could be super easy
πŸ‘ 1
Any simple remote or printed tv guide concept would be cool
3:13 PM
Otherwise you can also set up your fire video to play on a channel when it's not active
3:13 PM
I think extra video content like that could be fun if we have time and it's not massive on disk
by tv guide game, I assume it would be a game that you need to look on the tv guide to get some information about how to complete it? like a hint for a passcode or something? (edited)
3:16 PM
are we planning to have any hints or descriptions under channels on the tv guide? or what will go under the channel number and name? (edited)
by tv guide game, I assume it would be a game that you need to look on the tv guide to get some information about how to complete it? like a hint for a passcode or something? (edited)
That's the gist of it yeah. I was thinking about the example from metal gear solid where you look up Meryls codec address on the back of the box
are we planning to have any hints or descriptions under channels on the tv guide? or what will go under the channel number and name? (edited)
I'm not sure, up in the air, feel free to come up with ideas. 😜
πŸ‘ 1
4:06 PM
I'm thinking at a minimum it will have the station call signs and names
πŸ‘ 1
4:07 PM
And then one of the overarching puzzle quiz questions could reference that
4:07 PM
We could also put clues about the TV remote buttons for minigames on there.
4:08 PM
It might be a little "gamey" but I think it would be fun
That's the gist of it yeah. I was thinking about the example from metal gear solid where you look up Meryls codec address on the back of the box
Have not played, but will research this
Basically at some point they just tell you to call meryl and the "puzzle" is that you had to find her contact number on the back of the box. Wonder how they will deal with it in remakes that are digitally distributed?
10:39 PM
Anyhow, I can't remember if they literally tell you in a radio call on the game to look on the back of the box or how you are supposed to ever know that. (edited)
Do you think we should use the channel death logo here or is that breaking the 4th wall and diminishing immersion?
I don't think we should have the game logo on it
πŸ‘ 1
Editor's Note:
So concludes part 5, where we added the driving minigame, implemented the overarching puzzle quiz, began the printed TV guide, and got invited to Day of the Devs.
End of Part 5
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