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Channel: Death
Part 3: Submitting for alt.ctrl.gdc (11/13/2023 -12/20/2023)
Editor's Note:
Welcome to part 3! After a couple of motivating intitial exhibitions, prepare a submission for alt.ctrl.gdc. Read on if you're into that sort of thing. Game dev stuff continues in part 4.
Lol that’s funny. Who was it? I’m down to try to submit to Ctrl alt, maybe just need to do a meeting to talk what that means.
Wanted to resurface this convo
1:52 PM
GDC is the game industry's premier professional event, championing game developers and the advancement of their craft.
1:56 PM
1:56 PM
It seems the main thing they want is a video.
1:57 PM
I took some footage from Chicaghoul and maybe Brice has video from BitBash.
1:57 PM
I have no idea how we would get the TV over there. Maybe it's easier to just buy a new TV. There's a chance I can get money from school for that.
I guess for me it is a real question of how much more we want to do, both in content and in polish. I'm not sure how much bandwidth I will have over the next month will Holidays starting up and such.
Yeah ditto
2:00 PM
But honestly, since it's just a video, I think that is most of the work. Making a really nice looking video.
2:00 PM
So basically no need for bug fixes
2:00 PM
Maybe we spruce up the environment art in the "killing floor" scene where it's just a plane
2:00 PM
and floating saw
Yeah, video def lets us hide some stuff lol.
I guess I think it would be nice to have a good video for posterity and then if they accept us great and if not nbd I wanted the vid anyway
2:01 PM
So I don't think we need to go for broke or anything with the submission.
2:01 PM
And try to cram abunch of new stuff in
Fair, if its really just a couple of art polishes and a video my guess is we got time. I've got some editing experience so I can help with that, so we just need to get footage, whatever VO or whatever, and any graphics we want to use.
πŸ‘ 1
2:07 PM
If we wanted to do like just people playing and a narrator overtop it might be good, with close ups on controller/screen for various parts could work. This is all ingame stuff, but I made a mechanics overview trailer for Darkest Dreams, could be somewhat in the style of that
2:14 PM
I could do a call/meetup tomorrow or Wednesday if ya want to try to hash something out.
ok cool, I think I am available both days. @Mike what's your availability?
2:22 PM
"Please submit ONE (1) video link for judges that demonstrates the game and controller; a filmed video with split-screen or clear explanations is appreciated): * [help us clearly understand how the controller(s) and game(s) work together and how the controller creates a unique experience]"
If we wanted to do like just people playing and a narrator overtop it might be good, with close ups on controller/screen for various parts could work. This is all ingame stuff, but I made a mechanics overview trailer for Darkest Dreams, could be somewhat in the style of that -
man your game looks incredible 🀩
I cam meet later today or tomorrow too
man this game looks incredible 🀩
tell that to the publishers ;P
😭 1
David started a call that lasted 45 minutes 11/14/2023 8:00 PM
8:08 PM
This is a cool video
8:11 PM
This exhibition, co-helmed by indie curator John Polson, showcases some of the most unique, offbeat, and innovative controllers in modern gamesβ€”with this year featuring a focus on accessibility.
Sadly I didn't get a lot of good photography from the events.πŸ˜‚
9:02 PM
better than nothing!
9:03 PM
Sent you guys invites through google
9:04 PM
One thing coming through as I look at this is that we need a cooler sequence for when you save someone 😜 (edited)
9:05 PM
Maybe we'll get lucky and I'll find some other cool video other folks recorded
Do we call it a puzzle game or an escape room or something else?
11:34 AM
on the itch page it's called a "digital ordeal" lol
11:35 AM
Which is kind of interesting
Also, I know Francesca from school showed the game "hell couch" at ctrl alt gdc, I will ask her about her video. Though that may have been the first year so could be different now.
11:44 AM
Do we know anyone else who has done it?
Yeah, Bobby Lockhart & my audio guy Marty Meinerz did Hi-5 Heroes back in 2018, I can ask them about it.
πŸ‘ 1
Yeah I think the big question for me is, where to land on the spectrum of "fun" video versus really straightforward feature breakdown like you had in your darkest dreams vid
1:09 PM
and if these videos on the page are likely what was submitted for review or if they are just separate distinct trailers
So for Hi-5 Heroes this was the only video they made which def is more of the "fun" then straight explanation. -
1:24 PM
I think that's more work probably but also better
1:25 PM
This kind of makes me think most of the videos onthe site are the only videos
Yeah, I'm kinda leaning that way too
Ok. I think we should make it more "player" facing and slightly narrative inspired but still be sure the main concepts are explained.
From Francesca:
4:02 PM
"The format we did for Hellcouch was a 30 second "hype" trailer followed by a minute or so of us talking about the game and showing some playtesting footage This was what we submitted"
Sorry guys I ran out of time today 😦
6:55 PM
I'll try and work on it saturday morning
No worries, I'll take a crack at it before then, maybe be a jump start for you. Also all my Thanksgiving travel plans just got canceled so I got some extra time next week lol
ha hopefully that's not a bad thing for you
Hm, I'm free tonight if we wanted to try and record some stuff. But it might be short notice / maybe too burnt out after work idk
Maybe I'll just try to set the game up tonight and record some stuff just in case we want to mess around with ideas before I get back from Denver next week.
I wonder if we know anyone who can do the horror movie trailer voice lol
6:15 PM
I almost want to just do the video with that voice narrating the same text that's on the page (edited)
6:16 PM
6:18 PM
I think if we cut the second paragraph this would come in close to the 30 seconds of "hype" before we go into more controller emphasizing details (edited)
6:19 PM
We should copy this gimmick too, where the footage freezes and we zoom in
6:20 PM
Can freeze like right before someone gets killed on the conveyor belt (or right after?) (edited)
Yeah I could def see those 3 paragraphs. Footage wise I'm not sure what plays durring it, but I might just record a quick verison (to be replaced with someone with a better voice) and start noodling around with it to try to get a vibe for it.
Yeah I could def see those 3 paragraphs. Footage wise I'm not sure what plays durring it, but I might just record a quick verison (to be replaced with someone with a better voice) and start noodling around with it to try to get a vibe for it.
Sweet. Just try your best to sound like the creepy / cheesy horror voice lol. 😜 (edited)
lol will do.
Access Google Docs with a personal Google account or Google Workspace account (for business use).
6:57 PM
I'm going to see if I can quickly set it up and record some stuff
πŸ‘ 1
Editor's Note:
I actually added a whole 2 columnn script to the google doc... πŸ˜…
8:51 PM
@Ian @Mike should I leave speaker visible in the middle there or hide it
Man my cool light just broke
😒 1
Ok, I have some more footage in that Google photos album. Some might still be uploading. That's all I can do before I get back next week. Let me know if there's anything specific we should record when I get back.
Awesome tyty
Also theres a chance those vids that get auto backed up on google photos are not full quality
9:10 AM
So if quality is bad lmk I'll try to fix
Also thanks for being willing to make the video! πŸ™‡
@Ian @Mike should I leave speaker visible in the middle there or hide it
Speaker looks cool. I say keep it
I don't even really think it showed up in the footage
3:26 PM
It sucks the light broke though. That photo looks pretty cool
Unfortunately some personal stuff came up that took me out of commission for the majority of the week, but I found a little time to do a rough pass on the trailer. There are two chunks that are missing video (just red) where I'm not sure what to put, but we got some time to figure it out. LMK what ya think -
πŸ‘ 2
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Ha that's pretty awesome
11:28 PM
Good work! I get back tomorrow if we need any more footage
11:32 PM
My only thoughts are 1. we need sound design / music for the video 2. maybe we can find some more footage that makes it look like groups are enjoying it in a festive setting 3. Maybe we can show the killer on the belt and some footage of the ending screen with the score (edited)
11:33 PM
Love the freeze frame thing nailed it πŸ˜‚
11:34 PM
If we do the stuff for #3, think it should be recording of TV or straight up screen capture off PC?
11:35 PM
Also, maybe we could use more of the commercials or the news video
πŸ‘ 1
oh nice great job @Ian
Unfortunately some personal stuff came up that took me out of commission for the majority of the week, but I found a little time to do a rough pass on the trailer. There are two chunks that are missing video (just red) where I'm not sure what to put, but we got some time to figure it out. LMK what ya think -
Do you have ideas for the sound design? I can try to ask for help if we think we need it.
Do you have ideas for the sound design? I can try to ask for help if we think we need it.
πŸ‘ 1
I'd just say let me know if you need anything from us to help πŸ™‚
2:55 PM
It really is pretty sweet so far πŸ˜‚
I'll take another crack at it tonight, try to put some music in and such. I think after that I'll get a list together to what I need some help with. Just fyi I'm leaving town on the 6th for a couple days, so if things really come down to the wire I might have to pass the baton.
Cool let's try to get it done by then. What software are you using?
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I have it from school so if needbe I can make last mintue edits
vs2 I'm feeling solid about it. I think if we want to do anything more with sound I'll need concrete ideas or someone else to pilot. Footage wise we are fairly tapped so if we feel like we need something we will most likely need to record some more. -
πŸ‘ 1
I'm open to it, will defer to @Ian since it's his voice talent haha
12:41 PM
Also that probably impacts timing some, not sure if it matters
Also that probably impacts timing some, not sure if it matters
what do you mean? the audio getting extended? it's just filters in FCP, takes no time really
I mean, I imagine the effect is slowing down the VO, causing it to play out over more time
fairly confident that is not happening, audio track remains the same length in the timeline (edited)
πŸ‘ 1
@Ian How about the channel change sound at the end when the channel death logo comes back up?
1:23 PM
Also, before I leave any more ideas / feedback, I want to be clear that I think this is great and understand if you are done messing with it πŸ˜‚
πŸ’― 1
1:25 PM
I think this clip could work for "people having fun" if it fits:
1:27 PM
Then I think it might be cool to show the news clip / intro screens (which maybe I need to record if we want it on the actual TV) at the start of the video where we have the killer on the belt now, and move the killer on the belt to the end, but also I'm fine, w/ not doing that too
1:47 PM
And the last thing I noticed is that the mouse cursor is visible in the two clips that are screen recordings. I think it's in the letterboxed black area, maybe we can crop them out or cover them with black. Or I can record the same shots if that is helpful.
Okay, here is vs 03. Pitch Shifted the VO, got rid of the cursor stuff, changed the intro and the ending. I don't love the wide shot near the end but its most likely fine. LMK -
Wow you did all the feedback haha nj
7:30 PM
Looks great to me and I have no more ideas. If you have conviction one way or another about any of the revisions I trust your judgement but this is looking good to me!
7:30 PM
Really appreciate all this work! πŸ™‡
Really appreciate all this work! πŸ™‡
np, was a nice little side project for me when I didn't feel like doing real work ;P
awesome, great work!
@Ian @Mike so, are we good with the latest vid and the text from the google doc:
Channel: Death is an installation-based digital escape room where players use a real television remote and an old-fashioned pen and paper to solve puzzles, complete minigames, and thwart the nefarious Broadcast Killer. Designed for in person festivals, players work together over the course of an event leaving physical notes to track clues and collaborate with successive players. The TV remote interface synergizes with the game mechanics, narrative, and aesthetics to evoke a unique gameplay experience inspired by the channel surfing in the β€˜80s and β€˜90s.
Looks good to me. @David are you going to do the submission?
Sure I can do it unless you prefer
Nah, I think you are better at words and stuff then I am ;P
Cool I'll work on it Monday seems like clear runway
David changed the channel name: Channel Death 12/4/2023 1:35 PM
David changed the channel icon. 12/4/2023 1:36 PM
So if they accepted us and I had some money from school
1:39 PM
Do you think we should try to set up like a couch and TV and coffee table and like a lamp?
1:40 PM
I ask because they want to know what our setup would be. I could mention that the minimum is just what we have done in the past but ideally we would like the fake living room setup if you think that would be worth it.
1:41 PM
Also, @Ian do you mind if I DL the video and put it on YouTube? They want a youtube or vimeo link
Also, @Ian do you mind if I DL the video and put it on YouTube? They want a youtube or vimeo link
Do it
πŸ‘ 1
I ask because they want to know what our setup would be. I could mention that the minimum is just what we have done in the past but ideally we would like the fake living room setup if you think that would be worth it.
Hmmm idk. I’m not sure if fake living room gives off the right vibe, I almost want to go the other direction and keep getting more tvs lol. I def would like to do more of something, just want to make sure w/e it is is pushing the game experience.
So how do you think I should answer the question about the stuff we would bring / need and footprint?
3:15 PM
Basically describe what was in the video?
3:15 PM
The only thing that I was thinking about couch is
3:15 PM
and I don't know what GDC is like these days
3:15 PM
but sometimes people are looking to take a load off
πŸ’― 1
3:15 PM
so maybe that would bring more players lol (edited)
3:16 PM
But otherwise I do like the standing height stuff
3:16 PM
like we have done so far
I feel like describe what we got so far, mention that we need at least some space for people to stand a little distance away from the tv to properly use the remote, and then say if we got extra space we would use it create s stronger theme/narrative for the game?
πŸ‘ 1
3:20 PM
idk, you are the one filling it out, so I bow to w/e you want to write in the end lol
haha ok
5:20 PM
Do you have the link to the YT copy of the trailer? Wanted to show it to some folks but don't want to send the drive link.
Hell yeah we got selected for GDC! πŸŽ‰πŸ»
10:38 AM
I'll look closely and share the details with you guys shortly
10:38 AM
But I couldn't wait to share the good news!
Editor's Note:
I am going to skip some content where we discuss how the heck we should get our installation to San Francisco. Luckily, a friend in the bay area was able to help us acquire loaner CRT TVs! I think it's noteworthy that alt.ctrl.gdc is the ONLY part of GDC that is not insanely commercialized, probably because most of the games can't really be distributed (they all involve custom controllers, etc.). No one in the alt.ctrl exhibition is making any money. As an assistant professor, I am fortunate to be able to apply for funding from the institution I work for. How does GDC expect other artists to afford to fly themselves and their materials out? Sadly, being an artist is quite a privilege.

Tales of gamedev continue in part 4, wherein we figure out what add and improve in the game.
End of Part 3
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