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Channel: Death
Part 4: Extending the game for alt.ctrl.gdc (1/24/2024 -2/13/2024)
Editor's Note:
Welcome to part 4! In the new year, we bring in a new team member as we prepare to extend and improve the game for alt.ctrl.gdc.
I'm almost leaning toward implementing some save state
6:27 PM
that seems easier than trying to robustly QA the game
6:27 PM
and if we want to lean into a persistent puzzle that is day long or week long or w/e, it seems pretty risky to not do it
6:28 PM
it also seems lame if some of the stats reset
6:28 PM
and I don't think the scope of something like that is too bad. (edited)
Yeah its super easy, we can just read/read from a text file, I imagine we are basically just tracking a couple of ints.
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Editor's Note:
We ended up needing to save some more complex data to track which particular NPCs died as their identy and the clues they "knew" became relevant to the bigger picture metagame that we dubbed the "overarching puzzle". We wanted to create a puzzle that could only be solved after solving the smaller puzzles required to rescue victims several times (by different players over the course of a longer event).
Ok. I'm going to make myself an issue on GitHub for it
6:30 PM
to me the bigger question is still how to do the overarching puzzle
6:31 PM
I think we need to think of something that becomes more clear over time, almost like wheel of fortune or hangman, but also something that isn't a deal breaker if someone fails to record one of the clues (edited)
6:31 PM
assuming we want to rely on people leaving notes
6:33 PM
or maybe battle ship
6:33 PM
or minesweeper
6:33 PM
just brainstorming 😉
6:33 PM
Maybe when the person is saved
6:34 PM
we have some kind of news report sequence that about them being found somewhere with a sign with a letter hung around their neck
6:34 PM
or maybe we can visually depict that idk.
6:36 PM
maybe the code is generated dynamically
6:37 PM
like the victims have a number somewhere by them and it represents a character in their name, like if it's a 3 it's the third character
6:37 PM
and then the password can be however many digits we need
6:37 PM
but I guess if we did that you'd need a way to check a history of all the rescued people forever because if you miss one it would be impossible (edited)
6:38 PM
anyway keep thinking about it 🙂
Yeah it needs to be something that doesn't require a perfect answer, but can't be solved too fast either. SOmething like solve x out of 10 puzzles/victims info/whatevers would allow some slippage to happen
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I had an idea, maybe they would let us playtest the game at consignment lounge
10:20 PM
I think that would be fun but also maybe help us identify priorities, bugs, whats working whats not
Consignment lounge is on board!
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I asked them for 2 dates, one soon to help identify what to improve, one in early March to test new stuff
Editor's Note:
Consignment Lounge is a neat bar that also sells vintage stuff. They have cool old TVs and a crowd, perfect for showing Channel: Death. We ran the game there for a few hours, which helped us remember what we wanted to improve and add. We also had some design discussions about priorities and the new "overarching puzzle" concept that constituted the principal addition we wanted to make.
I added some ideas based on our discussion for the overarching puzzle here, under the heading "overarching puzzle". (edited)
1:55 PM
I guess this should probably be the priority.
1:55 PM
I can make a little mockup
1:55 PM
Still need to nail down how revealing the clues should look / work
1:56 PM
Do we try to have the game tip players that they should write this down when a clue comes out?
1:56 PM
Or hope for organic discovery
Editor's Note:
Being a finalist for alt.ctrl.gdc comes with four GDC passes. There were three of us, so we decided to offer the fourth to one of my students, Mack. He ended up making a significant contribution to the project!
Hey so I am going to offer the extra ticket to one of my students Mack, who is a programmer / sound designer. I think he would be interested in helping on the project as well if that sounds OK, maybe doing a minigame. He's pretty capable, I have hired him for paid work in the past.
11:21 AM
Let me know if you guys are OK w/ that.
Sounds good to me
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David added Mack to the group. 2/6/2024 5:17 PM
Added Mack (@Mack) to the chat! 👋
Hi Ian and Micheal! Hope you guys are both doing well. My name is Mack and I am David's student. He generously offered the opportunity to work on Channel Death and help show it off at GDC, super excited to be apart of the project!
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👋 Heyo, welcome in! Glad to have the help 🙂
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Hey so I had a few ideas for an additional minigame. Narrowed it down to two. First one is a puzzle second one is golf game. Leaning more towards puzzle as I think it would work better over time as this game is supposed to be a group effort. However golf would probobly take less time to make. Curious if you guys have any input on which Idea I should pursue? (edited)
11:34 AM
let me know if I should clarify anything about the ideas as well.
11:35 AM
1.95 KB
Editor's Note:
Here is where we handed off the Friday the 13th tile based first person movement minigame concept to Mack, who really did a great job with it and took it in his own direction.
well we have definitely been wanting to do the maze tile based movement concept
11:38 AM
I like the puzzle but I wonder if it's too long for a player to beat. Maybe that's OK?
11:39 AM
We were thinking about literally just hiding a number on one of the walls
11:39 AM
so you just had to find that
11:39 AM
Curious what others think.
11:39 AM
RE: Golf
11:40 AM
I like the idea of controlling the volume
11:40 AM
what if, it's just someone trying to golf, and they get messed up by the character roaring
11:40 AM
so you have to turn down the volume or mute it and then they make the putt (edited)
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11:41 AM
probably not as fun of a game, but could feel more like a clever puzzle about the remote, idk
11:41 AM
Camera could follow the ball after the putt goes in and show you a number in there
11:43 AM
while we debate design in chat, I think it's safe to implement the first person character / camera controller for the tile based movement setup
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11:44 AM
(see time stamp)
We were thinking about literally just hiding a number on one of the walls
could start with this just to have the minigame in there
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For art assets...
11:46 AM
I am openminded. I know @Mike was messing with some asylum assets, but the links you found seem good too
asylum seems cool
11:46 AM
im open to whatever
11:46 AM
ill just start with greybox
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There is a hedge maze art asset in the link you shared, that could work well too
11:47 AM
maybe we mess w/ fog in this scene too
true nod to shining as well if hedge mazz (edited)
maybe we mess w/ fog in this scene too
if hedge maze that could look cool
11:48 AM
i like maze idea
yeah I think we should riff off of either Jason cabin, hedge maze, or dungeon / labrynth
11:48 AM
but I don't want it to be too annoying and hard
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11:48 AM
11:48 AM
if we did your logic puzzle version
11:48 AM
we could make the maze pretty easy
maybe those are even two separate minigames...
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well see where it goes I can alwasy do logic puzzle another way
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appreciate your help, thanks Mack!
of course!
I had a wireframe mockup idea for the interface for the overaching puzzle. I wanted to make that today but I'm not sure I'll get this brain agents stuff done 😅
11:51 AM
I thought it would be done on Monday and it's now Wednesday
that dialouge system is alot...
Editor's Note:
Mack has also worked on Brain Agents with me in the past...
Both ideas seems good to me. Agreed that I think logic puzzle might be too complicated, I think wandering around and maybe getting a jump scare or two and then finding something will feel exciting enough to players. Once we have the tech in imagine that having several different locations (ie hedge maze, asylum, etc) will be easy to do. Golf also seems solid as long as it is kept fairly straight forward. Be wary of any sort of timing stuff (I dont think there is any going from the description I read, but jic). There is variable amount of input lag from the hardware, so any timing windows need to be extremely generous and rapid fire button presses don't get registered super well.
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cool thanks for the insight! Agree on timing stuff I tried to avoid thinking of games like that. I saw whoever did the jumping game had some code to try and offset input delay. I think golf would just be line up your shot and press a button lol.
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Yeah, after our last playtest it was def obvious we need to make the jumping even easier, so I gotta mess around with that offset again ;P
12:44 PM
The hardware has def been a learning experience. When we were doing the jam we set up timings to register hold vs button releases.... and then David changed the batteries in the remote and it changed all the timings lol
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Here is what I have so far. its more of a 3D walking sim. I dont think it should be overly fursturating on the remote. If u press 2 it goes forward untill you release, I feel like if there is delay it shouldnt be too frusturating, I think its fairly intutive to just let go a little bit before where you want to stop. but I could look into the code you have Ian for the jumping or maybe go full jason style and just make it completly tile based. I documented those hand and torch assets as well. Next ill probobly look into some distance fog. I am thinking I will make maze procedural so it isnt the same path every time. (edited)
also if anyone has thoughts - should I smooth out turn speed or keep it choppy for the retro feel? (edited)
I think smooth the turns
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2:21 PM
ha "think"
2:21 PM
I am wondering if you should have to press forward each movement too
yeah I could do it where u just press forward and it automatically walks to the next tile or something. How bad was the delay with the jumping game?
2:23 PM
or do u mean like spam the move button?
Well, I mean like, you press it, you move forward a set amount
Editor's Note:
I wanted tile based movement, not just to add an homage to the NES Friday the 13th game, but because I think the awkward numberpad movement input on our remote control would become unweildy with more robust analog motion.
2:25 PM
ill try that once i get the maze set up. I think in that case it would be easier just to do it "room by room" so to speak like jason does
have you ever played that legend of grimrock or etrean odyssey
2:44 PM
I think those are good models
Yea this looks good
2:55 PM
I can't remember how it works if you hold the forward button (edited)
2:55 PM
but my guess is it moves you forward, pauses briefly, then moves you forward again (repeating that as long as you hold the button)
Sounds good👍🏼 I agree these will translate nicely to tv remote
Interestingly, I think part of that genre is making your own map
7:13 PM
which would be something we could try to get people to write down on physical paper. But that's probably too complicated. We should def err on the side of simplicity / low difficulty
7:13 PM
if ppl get stuck or confused it will be less fun (typically). (edited)
sounds good. I was kinda thinking of having some creepy music play at the location of the number to help guide players, tho Im not sure how helpful it would be without headphones. Ill try to make it so some unique objects spawn around the maze to help with mental map. We can always make maze bigger or smaller easily since its procedural
We shouldn't spend a ton of time on proc gen imo
8:42 PM
Maybe just place potential spawn points and pick one at random
8:43 PM
Target someone exploring the space taking every wrong turn still finding it in like 3-5 min
8:44 PM
We can maybe make players write this answer clue down (the number at the end) rather than save it beat depending on difficulty
Editor's Note:
I knew the maze needed to be short, because 1) mazes suck (without some sort of gimmick / trick to make the player feel smart and not just brute force solve it) and 2) our in-person live event minigame format does better in shorter play sessions. I thought 3-5 minutes sounded short. This was a terrible estimate. It needed to be closer to 1 minute to avoid people getting lost and frustrated / bored, as we would discover. Eventually we got it to a pretty solid place after much playtesting!
cool. Proc gen is pretty easy for maze I wont spend to much time on it. I 3-5 minutes shouldnt be a problem.
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Also only re randomize after a hostage has been saved
Also only re randomize after a hostage has been saved
good idea
3 to 5 might even be long
i bet it will be like 1-2 minutes
We can try it out and iterate
agree. its super easy to change maze size
8:48 PM
could even make it super easy but every time they save a hostage make it harder or something. (edited)
It's not going to be the same player over and over
8:52 PM
So it should be similarly difficult across each playthrough
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Looking good!
12:26 AM
Maybe feels a little fast, like the move / turn speed
cool ill adjust
Don't over correct IDK 😂
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12:32 AM
I think if we put a post process volume with film grain, vignette plus lighting and fog in there, it might feel less eSportsy
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12:32 AM
Without slowing it down
Slow feels creepier imo, also allows us to have smaller maps (less people getting lost) while still having higher time spent on puzzle
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I think if we put a post process volume with film grain, vignette plus lighting and fog in there, it might feel less eSportsy
Yea when it’s in the main scene it’s got that
Also do people have local changes or would I be okay to push what Ive done? I can do on branch if thats better
also even if I dont actually put a monster in there maybe we should put some creepy writing on the wall like "Careful. They are searching." to add some tension
Also do people have local changes or would I be okay to push what Ive done? I can do on branch if thats better
You can push I think. I think the work flow we had was building each channel in a test scene then making a prefab
10:24 AM
Been a while...
Cool that’s what I got. I also had to add a camera manager in main scene to toggle between Main camera and fps camera
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As long as it works we're good on this project 😜
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Sounds good! Also could you remind me how the passcode will work with more than 4 mini games? Will it just choose 4 mini games to show? Or some mini games will have the same answer? (edited)
Will pick 4 random minigames after every successful save
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11:15 AM
or maybe it will just replace 1 at a time, idk lol, but only 4 games at a time at least ;P
Cool cool good to know. I’ll wait on implementing the number part of the minigame👍🏼
Click to see attachment 🖼️
Another thing to keep in mind is testing in 4:3
👍 1
11:26 AM
that's the only supported aspect ratio
Awesome thank you
Editor's Note:
Key design move for the overarching puzzle here. 👇 There were a lot of parts swimming around and I just needed to pick a direction. I picked a quiz. The mockup helped shape it into something more tangible.
I made an overarching puzzle mockup. Take a look at this and we can chat about it. There are comments: (edited)
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Sweet will look this over David. I think the maze minigame is also ready for playtesting and feedback as well if anyone gets a chance. Play it in the main scene
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cool, I'll work on the UI for this
Sweet will look this over David. I think the maze minigame is also ready for playtesting and feedback as well if anyone gets a chance. Play it in the main scene
gonna take a look now
Nice work! The movement feels good. Not sure if we should force pause after forward movement or let it loop seamlessly like it is now.
8:38 PM
The lighting is great.
8:38 PM
Does the music get faster as you approch the goal?
Does the music get faster as you approch the goal?
yes, was this intuitive to figure out? I can scale it harsher to make it more clear but thats what I was curious if u would notice.
I did, it's a good idea
8:39 PM
i think it gives more of a puzzle feel
8:39 PM
theres a realization that can happen
One thing playtesting has revealed is that ppl don't want to put the headphones on
Editor's Note:
We ended up using speakers for GDC and Day of the Devs! I was worried about it being too hard to hear them over the show noise and also annoying everyone else but it worked out well.
yea i figured
so I suggest we make a post processing volume just for this scene and maybe it can also ramp up or down (depending on the effects) based on proximity to the audio source?
8:41 PM
so that there is a visual analogy for the music in case they aren't listening
hm we could, what kindof effect did u have in mind? I also dont know if its necessary to have a hotter/colder hint but it can help, otherwise u can just solve the maze. I almost think just placing a few more creepy objects around the maze could help guide and act as reference points and achieve a similar effect. The music part isn't necessary to solve maze but it can help.
Yeah I'm big on clues for mazes
so do u think like an FOV zoom or like a screen border outline could do the trick? or more objects around the maze
8:46 PM
I could also make all the objects face the direction the goal is in
Well, the key question is should whatever the effect is get more or less pronounced as you get closer?
8:48 PM
I would say more but we have to make sure the number is still very clear
ah i agree more
8:49 PM
i dont think we should do static like slenderman or anything, ill look at screen border effect
Editor's Note:
This is the corridor / maze game with post processing added. 👇 I guess we didn't have a video of Mack's current progress and instead I was just playing on my own. Videos are better for posterity and for saving me time when I can't just open the game in Unity!
8:51 PM
I don't remember what slenderman looked like.
8:51 PM
slenderman is just static on the whole screen
Click to see attachment 🖼️
But I think playing with more subtle stuff would be better than a clear border
okay cool
Make another post processing volume in your prefab and give it a higher piority than the default one
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8:52 PM
and make sure you check "post processing" on your player camera
8:52 PM
and then adjust the weight based on the proximity to the goal
8:54 PM
we could also do something crazy like have a blood stain trail or something
8:54 PM
maybe that makes it too easy idk
Here is a reference, I'm not sure what you should or shouldn't take from it 😉
oo thats cool
There is an epic part in that game where it changes from third to first person
9:03 PM
you basically take over the role of whomever was holding the camera
9:03 PM
when the other person you were filming dies lol
9:03 PM
I thought it was really clever
that makes mewanna play the game lol
cool I added the PP clue to the maze
9:29 PM
looks sick thanks for the help
9:29 PM
great work
9:29 PM
I love how the lighting falls off into darkness
i agree, makes it unkown and spoooky👀
Want to do anything else?
maybe a jump scare
9:31 PM
not sure the best way to set that up design wise tho
9:31 PM
or maybe it doesnt need it
9:32 PM
Maybe the whole minigame just builds tension with no release (I guess finding the number is maybe relieving of tension) (edited)
9:33 PM
id probobly add some more spooky sounds and one or two more objects (edited)
9:36 PM
nah I think ill try to add a jump scare when the number comes into view see if it fits (edited)
9:56 PM
Do you have it set up to change numbers?
not yet
Ok, I'll try and update the game to support more than 4 minigames
Ok, I'll try and update the game to support more than 4 minigames
Okay cool, let me know if I can help at all. Im gonna push some main scene changes soon just a heads up. I added some scariness
11:17 PM
Thanks! I'd say if you want to do another minigame that's probably the best way to help for now
Sounds good!
The maze is really awesome though, appreciate your help so far!
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play it again theres a suprise
play it again theres a suprise
ha nice!
lol 9am jump scare
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@David made some updates to the UI based on feedback, brightened up the symbols and made a more dominant channel version, also added scan and zoom the the camera mini-game
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@David made some updates to the UI based on feedback, brightened up the symbols and made a more dominant channel version, also added scan and zoom the the camera mini-game
nice, so are these new assets or assets or just updates to the existing files?
6:36 PM
or I guess more directly, do you need us to implement any of this?
6:37 PM
also I'm thinking we should make the channel shapes maybe 25% to 50% bigger, but I could probably just scale them. The TV is low res.
6:37 PM
(I'm talking about the ones we display in the corner of the screen, not the password part)
I can probably update some of theses, the corner one is scaled up a bit
6:39 PM
ok cool maybe it's ok
yeah, not sure
I would say if you 1:1 replace files it's a simple way to make sure the updated art gets in the game w/out needing any extra work
6:42 PM
but I can also help out if there's any confusion.
6:42 PM
I have the project open, will probably try to work on it some once I finish my other work 😭
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Just to chime in, planning on starting work on a red light/green light style game using the sleep button tonight, should hopefully be a quick one to make.
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Just to chime in, planning on starting work on a red light/green light style game using the sleep button tonight, should hopefully be a quick one to make.
Did you get a chance to look at that mockup I made and read the little bit in the doc?
6:53 PM
Also, how did echeese go? 😂
Editor's Note:
Ian was going to run the eCheeze Zone game at a superbowl party. This was one of the closest references for what we were making that we could find (collaboratively play over an extended period with an in-person group). I actually have never played it and didn't know much about it, but there are clear similarities, in retrospect.
6:54 PM
I'm happy to start working on implementing the overarching puzzle channel if it seems like that plan will work
Hadn’t had a chance yet, but will take a look tonight. Finally got some freetime from work and life :p
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started working on that Google Doc UI
7:36 PM
not sure what all the functionality is, so feel free to let me know what should change
7:39 PM
taking a break right now
not sure what all the functionality is, so feel free to let me know what should change
Nice! Did you read the comments I left on there? that should explain it I think
7:39 PM
if you don't understand something LMK
👍 1
7:39 PM
I think you will make better art if you know what it's for
7:39 PM
the bottom is progress, one per question, max 10 I'd say (edited)
7:39 PM
the top right is wrong answers. It should be like hearts.
7:40 PM
or strikes
7:40 PM
there's no way you will have more than two or three I imagine
7:40 PM
so we need way fewer dots up there
7:41 PM
Also can't have REC overlap with where the channel number will go
7:41 PM
we don't need that either it's just a suggestion
I made another audio layer for the saw kill cuz i felt like it wasnt gruesome enough
8:07 PM
not implemented yet
ha sweet
8:08 PM
if you want to do more sound design we need a sound effect for when you zoom and pan in the camera minigame
sick will do
also any sound design on that main scene that may be missing, can't remember if we had sounds for correct and incorrect passcode entries
8:10 PM
looks like maybe we did
8:11 PM
huh I am getting behavior where if I type a number for the passcode it is entering like 2 numbers
i had that to
I am reluctant to mess w/ it though since it seems to work on the remote ok...
8:12 PM
we'll have to do some decent testing before we go 😅
Editor's Note:
Here are some key design moves where we narrow down the possibility space of the overarching puzzle considerably. 👇
8:14 PM
Ok, so the plan was to add save game functionality in case the game crashes
8:15 PM
RIght now I think that would just involve the lists of who was saved and who was killed (edited)
8:15 PM
but if we add the overarching puzzle, any clues that aren't based on that info would need to be saved as well
8:15 PM
but I might skip that until we have that part more ironed out.
8:16 PM
do we have to save the current passcode? I kind of don't want to because then I think we'd have to save all the minigame statuses
8:16 PM
and it's not that big of a deal to do, worse case scenario, 3 extra minigames
8:17 PM
I mean were talking about something that happens you know, 50 times or something
8:17 PM
so it's kind of trivial and not worth the work unless the game is really unstable but at that point I think we need to actually fix it lol (edited)
8:18 PM
So I am thinking we only save when someone is rescued or killed
8:18 PM
and then we will need some way to reset the data. I guess we can just delete the save file manually for now.
Editor's Note:
Much of this discourse here 👇 is based on this mockup.
Did you get a chance to look at that mockup I made and read the little bit in the doc?
Think everything looks solid, couple thoughts on things.
  • Think wrong answers should lock the player out of guessing for x time and not save progress (encourages players to write answer and stops brute forcing things). It we also want to do lives I feel like they would need to be really bad, basically lose the game (redraw the questions from pool so basically all written progress is lost).
  • I think we should stay away from binary questions like the "rescued or killed"
  • Like the idea of rule clues, even multiple rules for the same clue could be interesting.
  • Are clues smart or dumb? ie do we track how far the player has made it in the guessing and tailor clues for it or do we just randomize them all (I feel like tracking is better)
let's see...
9:10 PM
Lives I'd say the lives would be, how many wrong answers before you get locked out.
9:11 PM
The reason for that would be if someone didn't write down a clue
9:11 PM
you'd be screwed unless that clue is repeated down the road
9:11 PM
so at the event you were talking about 80% or so
9:11 PM
9:12 PM
I would say that not implementing lives at first and then playtesting is a route we could take as well
9:13 PM
Binary questions yeah, def agree, I think we should have 8 potential choices for every question
9:13 PM
I think what I meant was, we can ask "who was saved?" and you would have 8 names
9:13 PM
and we could separately ask "who died" and 8 names
9:13 PM
need to be careful about the lists but it seems doable
9:14 PM
but we could also skip those since they are trickier to implement
9:14 PM
but they could be neat as well
Lives I'd say the lives would be, how many wrong answers before you get locked out.
I just worry that it get a little too easy if we are specifally telling the players what information or whatever is wrong. I do think if we have smart clues we can be repeating the same information. I'm fine seeing how playtesting goes. Also hearts could be unlocked for figuring out other things which could be cool?
well, let's try no hearts first, one less thing to implement
Editor's Note:
We ended up not using lives in the final version!
Also, I envision once you start entering the questions, there is a time limit
9:16 PM
and if you don't answer in time, you get locked out
9:16 PM
and the answers always erase each time you get locked out / you have to start back at question 1
oh that interesting, I was definitely imagining it slower but I like your way way better
So, smart vs dumb clues, I think I need to wrap my head around what that means
9:18 PM
I guess I was envisioning a list generated when the game starts
9:19 PM
but I guess the alternative is generating the clue as soon as it's displayed
9:19 PM
at which point you need to make sure it's new / unused
9:19 PM
and then what other logic would be involved?
9:19 PM
and how would it relate to saving the game if it does relate to that
9:20 PM
(saving just as a fail safe, not like a save game feature)
In my mind we would have different pools of clues that are tied to questions. If player succesfully answer a questsion we know we dont need to display those clues anymore, while if they fail a question we know we need to focus on those clues.
Oh I see
9:21 PM
so you imagine that there would be multiple clues that relate to each question
I guess it depends on how fast things are getting completed. if 1 clue beats 1 question and we have a total of 10 questions, people could beat it pretty quick. However if clues are only partial solutions things take longer.
9:24 PM
if 1-1 is important, I guess we could always just have more questions too
9:24 PM
The whole thing really just depends on how long we want the average solve to take I guess (edited)
Yeah I think it's smart to work backwards from that. (edited)
9:26 PM
so wed. and thurs are 10-5
9:26 PM
I don't know how long people hang out on the show floor
9:26 PM
like if they are thinning out before 5
9:27 PM
maybe we want to climax when there is a lot of people still there. Maybe 4? 3:30? (edited)
9:27 PM
then you would have to try and guess how often you would have someone actively playing
9:27 PM
I have never been since alt. ctrl was a thing
9:28 PM
I don't think at least...
9:29 PM
And then how long it takes to save someone (get a clue)
9:29 PM
so like maybe 3 minutes per minigame x 4 minigames so like 12-15 minutes per clue?
9:30 PM
but I don't know if it's safe to assume a continuous stream of players (edited)
The times I was there it was pretty busy, so I think steady stream at least durring the majority of the day is safe. I guess it gets weird if we "finish" the game at like 4 and then people playing it afterwards? Is it worth saving their progress for the next day? I feel like the game finishes around twice a day makes sense to me, 3.5 hour long fail timer with the thought that beating it could be as fast as 2 or so?
9:37 PM
All the voting happens wednesday so we def dont want to hold back on the good stuff lol
👍 1
9:38 PM
echeese was design to take multiple days to beat, with audiences failing multiple times and leaving not for the next play session. Was thking some about that, but doesnt seem like the right direction for this.
9:41 PM
Hmm yeah, if it is 12 mins per clue, 10 clues would be 2 hours. So it seems we are closer to the 1 to 1 system.
ok. Well that seems easier so I guess we can go with that
9:44 PM
I like the idea of potentially having two wins per day
9:45 PM
so for the lock out, you don't imagine that locking players out of more than the overarching puzzle channel, right?
yeah, just to stop brute forcing
9:45 PM
could insta kill the current victim too just for show
👍 1
and when you say "3.5 hour fail timer" what exactly did you mean. Like you have to win before 3.5 hours?
Yeah something to drive home player purpose and increase tension. We could even just have a channel with it the timer counting down. I don't think we want to have the player hit it so we make it long (or secretly slow it down when they aint looking)
what would happen if it gets to then end?
Hard lose, killer gets away, game resets
what would it look like?
9:54 PM
I like the idea of trying to design such that it doesn't happen but I worry players might want to see what happens lol
9:55 PM
I like the idea of making something cool happen too but that is time spent on something we don't want to happen lol
yeah they might which aint great.
maybe it's like the end of fight club
9:56 PM
bombs blow up everywhere or something
It could just be like the news report text screen being like bad stuff happened, you fail
bombs blow up everywhere or something
we show earth from space explode lol
9:56 PM
how do you see that on TV? who knows haha
It could just be like the news report text screen being like bad stuff happened, you fail
that's an easy one yeah
earth explodes, blood comes down from the top of the screen, tv catches on fire
haha that would be incredible if it actually caught on fire irl
9:58 PM
those guys from apple loaning us the TVs wouldn't be happy 😂
😂 2
9:58 PM
ok well we can think about that too
9:59 PM
I do like having a random extra channel
9:59 PM
with just a clock or something
9:59 PM
seems easy
its very ominous too
those guys from apple loaning us the TVs wouldn't be happy 😂
Wait are we actually getting tvs from apple?
in a sense yeah
10:00 PM
a friend of Mike and mine works there and I guess they have a group chat about collecting old tech stuff
10:00 PM
and one of the ppl in the chat is going to loan us two TVs
oo thats great
and our friend is going to drive them to moscone
yeah very relieved about it
10:01 PM
I don't think they are giant TVs, I think it will be very similar to what we have used in the past
10:02 PM
oh, another random thing I was thinking about, we could use bean bags or like an air lounger thing in lieu of couch if we wanted to create a bit of a fake living room
10:03 PM
and then get like an end table and a lamp and or some kind of coffee table and put the tv guide and remote on it
10:03 PM
just some options
Yeah, I kinda imagine we just see what our space is like early in the day and be ready to run to a thrif shop or whatever to make it feel good.
10:05 PM
Can we get in Monday to see it, or is tuesday the only setup day?
That sounds fun
10:10 PM
I think monday and tuesday until 6pm
👍 2
10:13 PM
Ok, next time I have time, I will start some groundwork on the questions / clues and the save game thing.
10:13 PM
think we have a decent plan now
Sounds good, def let me know if you need to offload any of it.
I say make the minigame and then if you want to do the timer channel that would be good
10:17 PM
I think now that we have 5 minigames we should try for more. IDK how many you think makes it worth it
10:18 PM
6 might be fine really
I feel like 8 would be good, I def still got a couple more in me.
I was kind of thinking each minigame channel still exists even when it's not "active", but maybe it would have some alternative passive content?
10:19 PM
Or it could just be fuzz?
10:19 PM
but the number would be reserved and still surfed through
hmm yeah I like that
@Mike if you wanted to track down public domain clips we can use that too. I think limit the length tho
10:21 PM
I think the video player for those commercials kind of has some loading overhead that creates complexity
10:22 PM
so maybe like max 2 minutes or something and then it can go to fuzz or loop
Editor's Note:
So concludes part 4, where we ironed out a lot of design details about the overarching puzzle metagame.
End of Part 4
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